I guess what cause it under certain circumstance. Will try to fix it in the next release along a lot of other stuff.

SDR & HDR 1080p/4k capable setup with Hyperion-NG for Media Center
- Awawa
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Today a new attempt with fresh Windows 10 Pro Build 19042.572. Last commit from your branch. New DB. Same Bug:P.S.:
Compile Log:Code
Display More[main] Ordner wird erstellt: AWAWA [main] Ordner wird konfiguriert: AWAWA [proc] Befehl wird ausgeführt: "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE" --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -Hd:/AWAWA -Bd:/AWAWA/build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -T host=x64 -A x64 [cmake] Not searching for unused variables given on the command line. [cmake] -- CMake Version: 3.18.4 [cmake] -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 to target Windows 10.0.19042. [cmake] CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:19 (CMAKE_POLICY): [cmake] The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version [cmake] of CMake. [cmake] [cmake] The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all [cmake] policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under [cmake] specific short-term circumstances. Projects should be ported to the NEW [cmake] behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD. [cmake] [cmake] [cmake] -- PLATFORM is not defined, evaluated platform: windows [cmake] -- PLATFORM: windows [cmake] -- ENABLE_SPIDEV = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_TINKERFORGE = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_V4L2 = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_WS281XPWM = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_AVAHI = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_USB_HID = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_QTC = ON [cmake] -- ENABLE_PROFILER = OFF [cmake] -- ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL = OFF [cmake] -- Current Version: [cmake] -- - Build: (GitHub-4ef25a7e/e81718f4-1604160281) [cmake] -- WINDOWS SDK: C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10 WindowsSDKDir environment variable [cmake] -- MSVC VERSION: 1927 [cmake] -- Set Qt5 module path: C:/Qt/5.15.0 [cmake] -- Found Qt Version: 5.15.0 [cmake] CMake Warning (dev) at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:273 (message): [cmake] The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args` (TurboJpeg) [cmake] does not match the name of the calling package (TurboJPEG). This can lead [cmake] to problems in calling code that expects `find_package` result variables [cmake] (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern. [cmake] Call Stack (most recent call first): [cmake] cmake/FindTurboJPEG.cmake:46 (find_package_handle_standard_args) [cmake] CMakeLists.txt:331 (find_package) [cmake] This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. [cmake] [cmake] -- Using Turbo JPEG library: C:/libjpeg-turbo64/lib/turbojpeg.lib [cmake] -- 7-zip found: C:/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe [cmake] -- Looking for _strtof_l [cmake] -- Looking for _strtof_l - found [cmake] -- Looking for _strtoui64_l [cmake] -- Looking for _strtoui64_l - found [cmake] Proceeding with version: [cmake] -- Using flatbuffers compiler: D:/AWAWA/build/bin/$(Configuration)/flatc.exe [cmake] -- Could NOT find ZLIB (missing: ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR) [cmake] -- Looking for dlfcn.h [cmake] -- Looking for dlfcn.h - not found [cmake] -- Looking for inttypes.h [cmake] -- Looking for inttypes.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for memory.h [cmake] -- Looking for memory.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for stdint.h [cmake] -- Looking for stdint.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for stdlib.h [cmake] -- Looking for stdlib.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for strings.h [cmake] -- Looking for strings.h - not found [cmake] -- Looking for string.h [cmake] -- Looking for string.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for sys/stat.h [cmake] -- Looking for sys/stat.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for sys/types.h [cmake] -- Looking for sys/types.h - found [cmake] -- Looking for unistd.h [cmake] -- Looking for unistd.h - not found [cmake] -- Protobuf: doing try-compiles for hash map/set headers [cmake] -- Protobuf: doing try-compiles for pthread test [cmake] -- Looking for stddef.h [cmake] -- Looking for stddef.h - found [cmake] CMake Deprecation Warning at dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt:329 (cmake_policy): [cmake] The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version [cmake] of CMake. [cmake] [cmake] The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all [cmake] policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under [cmake] specific short-term circumstances. Projects should be ported to the NEW [cmake] behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD. [cmake] [cmake] [cmake] -- Using protobuf compiler: D:/AWAWA/build/bin/$(Configuration)/protoc.exe [cmake] -- Found Python3: C:/Users/Paulchen/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found version "3.9.0") found components: Interpreter [cmake] -- Using static mbedtls libraries (build version "2.24.0") [cmake] -- Found Python3: C:/Users/Paulchen/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found version "3.9.0") found components: Interpreter Development Development.Module Development.Embed [cmake] -- Configuring done [cmake] -- Generating done [cmake] -- Build files have been written to: D:/AWAWA/build [build] Build wird gestartet. [proc] Befehl wird ausgeführt: "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE" --build d:/AWAWA/build --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD -- /maxcpucount:10 [build] Microsoft (R)-Build-Engine, Version 16.7.0+b89cb5fde für .NET Framework [build] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. [build] [build] Checking Build System [build] Automatic MOC for target protobuf [build] Automatic MOC for target mbedcrypto [build] Automatic MOC for target flatc [build] Automatic MOC for target flatbuffers [build] Automatic MOC for target flathash [build] Automatic MOC for target resources [build] Automatic MOC for target protobuf-lite [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/flatbuffers/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/build/dependencies/external/mbedtls/src/library/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/flatbuffers/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/flatbuffers/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt [build] Automatic RCC for ../resources.qrc [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] cl : befehlszeile warning D9025: "/W1" wird durch "/w" überschrieben [D:\AWAWA\build\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\protobuf.vcxproj] [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] cl : befehlszeile warning D9025: "/W1" wird durch "/w" überschrieben [D:\AWAWA\build\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\protobuf-lite.vcxproj] [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/resources/CMakeLists.txt [build] flathash.cpp [build] common.cc [build] idl_parser.cpp [build] common.cc [build] idl_parser.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] qrc_resources.cpp [build] aes.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] aesni.c [build] arc4.c [build] aria.c [build] asn1parse.c [build] asn1write.c [build] once.cc [build] once.cc [build] base64.c [build] resources.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\resources.lib [build] bignum.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] blowfish.c [build] camellia.c [build] ccm.c [build] chacha20.c [build] chachapoly.c [build] cipher.c [build] cipher_wrap.c [build] cmac.c [build] ctr_drbg.c [build] flathash.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\bin\Debug\flathash.exe [build] des.c [build] dhm.c [build] ecdh.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] hash.cc [build] Kompilieren... [build] ecdsa.c [build] hash.cc [build] ecjpake.c [build] ecp.c [build] ecp_curves.c [build] entropy.c [build] entropy_poll.c [build] extension_set.cc [build] extension_set.cc [build] error.c [build] gcm.c [build] havege.c [build] hkdf.c [build] hmac_drbg.c [build] md.c [build] md2.c [build] md4.c [build] idl_gen_text.cpp [build] md5.c [build] idl_gen_text.cpp [build] memory_buffer_alloc.c [build] generated_message_util.cc [build] nist_kw.c [build] oid.c [build] generated_message_util.cc [build] padlock.c [build] pem.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Kompilieren... [build] message_lite.cc [build] pk.c [build] message_lite.cc [build] pk_wrap.c [build] pkcs12.c [build] pkcs5.c [build] pkparse.c [build] pkwrite.c [build] repeated_field.cc [build] repeated_field.cc [build] platform.c [build] platform_util.c [build] poly1305.c [build] psa_crypto.c [build] psa_crypto_se.c [build] psa_crypto_slot_management.c [build] wire_format_lite.cc [build] wire_format_lite.cc [build] psa_crypto_storage.c [build] psa_its_file.c [build] coded_stream.cc [build] coded_stream.cc [build] ripemd160.c [build] reflection.cpp [build] reflection.cpp [build] rsa.c [build] rsa_internal.c [build] sha1.c [build] zero_copy_stream.cc [build] sha256.c [build] sha512.c [build] zero_copy_stream.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Kompilieren... [build] threading.c [build] timing.c [build] zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.cc [build] zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.cc [build] strutil.cc [build] atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.cc [build] version.c [build] version_features.c [build] xtea.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] util.cpp [build] util.cpp [build] atomicops_internals_x86_msvc.cc [build] substitute.cc [build] mbedcrypto.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\mbedcrypto.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target mbedx509 [build] structurally_valid.cc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/build/dependencies/external/mbedtls/src/library/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] certs.c [build] atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.cc [build] pkcs11.c [build] x509.c [build] x509_create.c [build] x509_crl.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] idl_gen_cpp.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] atomicops_internals_x86_msvc.cc [build] x509_crt.c [build] protobuf-lite.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\protobuf-lite.lib [build] x509_csr.c [build] x509write_crt.c [build] x509write_csr.c [build] stringprintf.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] flatbuffers.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\flatbuffers.lib [build] mbedx509.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\mbedx509.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target mbedtls [build] descriptor.cc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/build/dependencies/external/mbedtls/src/library/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] idl_gen_csharp.cpp [build] debug.c [build] net_sockets.c [build] ssl_cache.c [build] ssl_ciphersuites.c [build] ssl_cli.c [build] descriptor.pb.cc [build] ssl_cookie.c [build] ssl_msg.c [build] ssl_srv.c [build] ssl_ticket.c [build] ssl_tls.c [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Code wird generiert... [build] mbedtls.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\mbedtls.lib [build] idl_gen_dart.cpp [build] Kompilieren... [build] descriptor_database.cc [build] dynamic_message.cc [build] idl_gen_kotlin.cpp [build] extension_set_heavy.cc [build] generated_message_reflection.cc [build] message.cc [build] idl_gen_go.cpp [build] reflection_ops.cc [build] service.cc [build] text_format.cc [build] idl_gen_java.cpp [build] unknown_field_set.cc [build] wire_format.cc [build] idl_gen_js_ts.cpp [build] printer.cc [build] tokenizer.cc [build] zero_copy_stream_impl.cc [build] importer.cc [build] idl_gen_php.cpp [build] parser.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] idl_gen_python.cpp [build] protobuf.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\protobuf.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target protoc_lib [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt [build] cl : befehlszeile warning D9025: "/W1" wird durch "/w" überschrieben [D:\AWAWA\build\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\protoc_lib.vcxproj] [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] code_generator.cc [build] command_line_interface.cc [build] idl_gen_lobster.cpp [build] cpp_enum.cc [build] cpp_enum_field.cc [build] idl_gen_lua.cpp [build] cpp_extension.cc [build] cpp_field.cc [build] cpp_file.cc [build] idl_gen_rust.cpp [build] cpp_generator.cc [build] cpp_helpers.cc [build] cpp_message.cc [build] idl_gen_fbs.cpp [build] cpp_message_field.cc [build] cpp_primitive_field.cc [build] idl_gen_grpc.cpp [build] cpp_service.cc [build] cpp_string_field.cc [build] plugin.cc [build] idl_gen_json_schema.cpp [build] plugin.pb.cc [build] subprocess.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] zip_writer.cc [build] java_doc_comment.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Kompilieren... [build] java_enum.cc [build] java_enum_field.cc [build] java_extension.cc [build] Kompilieren... [build] idl_gen_swift.cpp [build] java_field.cc [build] java_file.cc [build] java_generator.cc [build] flatc.cpp [build] java_helpers.cc [build] java_message.cc [build] java_message_field.cc [build] flatc_main.cpp [build] java_primitive_field.cc [build] java_service.cc [build] java_string_field.cc [build] code_generators.cpp [build] python_generator.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] cpp_generator.cc [build] protoc_lib.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\protoc.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target protoc_compiler [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt [build] go_generator.cc [build] cl : befehlszeile warning D9025: "/W1" wird durch "/w" überschrieben [D:\AWAWA\build\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\protoc_compiler.vcxproj] [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] main.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] java_generator.cc [build] protoc_compiler.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\bin\Debug\protoc.exe [build] python_generator.cc [build] swift_generator.cc [build] Code wird generiert... [build] flatc.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\bin\Debug\flatc.exe [build] Automatic MOC for target python [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/python/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] PythonInit.cpp [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(88,1): warning C4005: "slots": Makro-Neudefinition [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\python\PythonInit.cpp(3): message : Siehe vorherige Definition von "slots" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\python\PythonInit.cpp(51,2): warning C4996: 'PyEval_InitThreads': deprecated in 3.9 [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] PythonProgram.cpp [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(88,1): warning C4005: "slots": Makro-Neudefinition [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\include\python/PythonUtils.h(5): message : Siehe vorherige Definition von "slots" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\python\PythonProgram.cpp(22,3): warning C4996: 'PyEval_ReleaseLock': deprecated in 3.2 [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\python\PythonProgram.cpp(57,2): warning C4996: 'PyEval_ReleaseLock': deprecated in 3.2 [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\python\python.vcxproj] [build] Code wird generiert... [build] python.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\python.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target hyperion-api [build] Automatic RCC for JSONRPC_schemas.qrc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/api/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] API.cpp [build] JsonAPI.cpp [build] JsonCB.cpp [build] qrc_JSONRPC_schemas.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] hyperion-api.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\hyperion-api.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target database [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/db/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] DBManager.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] database.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\database.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target webserver [build] Automatic RCC for ../../WebConfig.qrc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/webserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] CgiHandler.cpp [build] QtHttpClientWrapper.cpp [build] QtHttpHeader.cpp [build] QtHttpReply.cpp [build] QtHttpRequest.cpp [build] QtHttpServer.cpp [build] StaticFileServing.cpp [build] WebJsonRpc.cpp [build] WebServer.cpp [build] WebSocketClient.cpp [build] qrc_WebConfig.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] webserver.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\webserver.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target effectengine [build] Automatic RCC for ../../EffectEngine.qrc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/effectengine/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(88,1): warning C4005: "slots": Makro-Neudefinition [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\effectengine\effectengine.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\effectengine\effectengine_autogen\include_Debug\CA4T52DVLW\../../../../../../include/effectengine/Effect.h(7): message : Siehe vorherige Definition von "slots" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\effectengine\effectengine.vcxproj] [build] Effect.cpp [build] EffectEngine.cpp [build] EffectFileHandler.cpp [build] EffectModule.cpp [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(88,1): warning C4005: "slots": Makro-Neudefinition [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\effectengine\effectengine.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\include\effectengine/Effect.h(7): message : Siehe vorherige Definition von "slots" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\effectengine\effectengine.vcxproj] [build] qrc_EffectEngine.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] effectengine.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\effectengine.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target hyperion-utils [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/utils/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] ColorArgb.cpp [build] ColorBgr.cpp [build] ColorRgb.cpp [build] ColorRgba.cpp [build] ColorRgbw.cpp [build] ColorSys.cpp [build] DefaultSignalHandler.cpp [build] FileUtils.cpp [build] ImageResampler.cpp [build] JsonUtils.cpp [build] Logger.cpp [build] NetOrigin.cpp [build] Process.cpp [build] RgbChannelAdjustment.cpp [build] RgbToRgbw.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(34,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(35,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(36,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(49,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(50,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\utils\RgbToRgbw.cpp(51,25): warning C4305: "Initialisierung": Verkürzung von "double" in "float" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\utils\hyperion-utils.vcxproj] [build] RgbTransform.cpp [build] SysInfo.cpp [build] QJsonSchemaChecker.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] hyperion-utils.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\hyperion-utils.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target leddevice [build] Automatic RCC for LedDeviceSchemas.qrc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/leddevice/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] LedDevice.cpp [build] LedDeviceFactory.cpp [build] LedDeviceTemplate.cpp [build] LedDeviceWrapper.cpp [build] LedDeviceAtmoOrb.cpp [build] LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\leddevice\dev_net\LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp(212,30): warning C4333: ">>": Zu große Rechtsverschiebung, Datenverlust. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\leddevice\leddevice.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\leddevice\dev_net\LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp(214,31): warning C4333: ">>": Zu große Rechtsverschiebung, Datenverlust. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\leddevice\leddevice.vcxproj] [build] LedDeviceNanoleaf.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\leddevice\dev_net\LedDeviceNanoleaf.cpp(594,53): warning C4333: ">>": Zu große Rechtsverschiebung, Datenverlust. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\leddevice\leddevice.vcxproj] [build] LedDevicePhilipsHue.cpp [build] LedDeviceTpm2net.cpp [build] LedDeviceUdpArtNet.cpp [build] LedDeviceUdpE131.cpp [build] LedDeviceUdpH801.cpp [build] LedDeviceUdpRaw.cpp [build] LedDeviceWled.cpp [build] LedDeviceYeelight.cpp [build] ProviderRestApi.cpp [build] ProviderUdp.cpp [build] ProviderUdpSSL.cpp [build] LedDeviceFile.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Kompilieren... [build] LedDeviceAdalight.cpp [build] LedDeviceAtmo.cpp [build] LedDeviceDMX.cpp [build] LedDeviceKarate.cpp [build] LedDeviceSedu.cpp [build] LedDeviceTpm2.cpp [build] ProviderRs232.cpp [build] qrc_LedDeviceSchemas.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] leddevice.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\leddevice.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target boblightserver [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/boblightserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] BoblightClientConnection.cpp [build] BoblightServer.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] boblightserver.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\boblightserver.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target ssdp [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/ssdp/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp_autogen\include_Debug\ZEU3MHYKAI\../../../../../../include/ssdp/SSDPHandler.h(92,47): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfiguration': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] SSDPDiscover.cpp [build] SSDPHandler.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\include\ssdp/SSDPHandler.h(92,47): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfiguration': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(47,13): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(52,67): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h(181,1): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(52): message : Siehe Verweis auf die gerade kompilierte Klasse Vorlage-Instanziierung "QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<void (__cdecl QNetworkConfigurationManager::* )(const QNetworkConfiguration &)>". [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore\qobject.h(242): message : beim Kompilieren der Klasse Vorlage-Memberfunktion "QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func>::Object *,Func1,const QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::Object *,Func2,Qt::ConnectionType)" [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(47,41): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager::QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(52,16): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager::configurationChanged': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(123,59): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfiguration': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(651,1): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore\qobject.h(249): message : Siehe Verweis auf die gerade kompilierte Klasse Vorlage-Instanziierung "QtPrivate::HasQ_OBJECT_Macro<QNetworkConfigurationManager>". [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\ssdp\SSDPHandler.cpp(52): message : Siehe Verweis auf die gerade kompilierte Instanziierung "QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect<void(__cdecl QNetworkConfigurationManager::* )(const QNetworkConfiguration &),void(__cdecl SSDPHandler::* )(const QNetworkConfiguration &)>(const QNetworkConfigurationManager *,Func1,const SSDPHandler *,Func2,Qt::ConnectionType)" der Funktions-Vorlage. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] with [build] [ [build] Func1=void (__cdecl QNetworkConfigurationManager::* )(const QNetworkConfiguration &), [build] Func2=void (__cdecl SSDPHandler::* )(const QNetworkConfiguration &) [build] ] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs.h(652,1): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore\qobject.h(268,63): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfigurationManager::staticMetaObject': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\ssdp\ssdp.vcxproj] [build] SSDPServer.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] ssdp.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\ssdp.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target flatbufserver [build] Generating ../../../libsrc/flatbufserver/hyperion_reply_generated.h [build] Generating ../../../libsrc/flatbufserver/hyperion_request_generated.h [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/flatbufserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] FlatBufferClient.cpp [build] FlatBufferConnection.cpp [build] FlatBufferServer.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] flatbufserver.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\flatbufserver.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target blackborder [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/blackborder/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] BlackBorderDetector.cpp [build] BlackBorderProcessor.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] blackborder.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\blackborder.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target hyperion [build] Automatic RCC for resource.qrc [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/hyperion/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] AuthManager.cpp [build] CaptureCont.cpp [build] ComponentRegister.cpp [build] Grabber.cpp [build] GrabberWrapper.cpp [build] Hyperion.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\include\utils/hyperion.h(246,57): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(50,121): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "unsigned int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(57,1): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(181,89): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "unsigned int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(198,56): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(215,122): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "unsigned int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\Hyperion.cpp(282,33): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "unsigned int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] HyperionIManager.cpp [build] ImageProcessor.cpp [build] ImageToLedsMap.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\ImageToLedsMap.cpp(82,41): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\ImageToLedsMap.cpp(97,41): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\ImageToLedsMap.cpp(108,41): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\ImageToLedsMap.cpp(118,41): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos. [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] LedString.cpp [build] LinearColorSmoothing.cpp [build] MessageForwarder.cpp [build] MultiColorAdjustment.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\hyperion\MultiColorAdjustment.cpp(40,36): warning C4267: "=": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "unsigned int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\hyperion\hyperion.vcxproj] [build] PriorityMuxer.cpp [build] SettingsManager.cpp [build] qrc_resource.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] hyperion.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\hyperion.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target commandline [build] Automatic MOC for target qtc-grabber [build] Automatic MOC for target jsonserver [build] Automatic MOC for target protoclient [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/commandline/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] BooleanOption.cpp [build] Running C++ protocol buffer compiler on D:/AWAWA/libsrc/protoserver/message.proto [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/jsonserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/grabber/QTC/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/protoserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] JsonClientConnection.cpp [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] ColorOption.cpp [build] QTCGrabber.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(142,1): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(237,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(305,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] ProtoClientConnection.cpp [build] JsonServer.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(142,1): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(237,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(305,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\libsrc\protoserver\ProtoClientConnection.cpp(217,40): warning C4267: "Initialisierung": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "uint32_t", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] Code wird generiert... [build] Code wird generiert... [build] jsonserver.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\jsonserver.lib [build] cl : befehlszeile warning D9025: "/W3" wird durch "/w" überschrieben [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoclient.vcxproj] [build] message.pb.cc [build] QTCWorker.cpp [build] protoclient.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\protoclient.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target protoserver [build] ColorsOption.cpp [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/libsrc/protoserver/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] ProtoServer.cpp [build] QTCWrapper.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(142,1): warning C4267: "Argument": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoserver.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(237,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoserver.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\dependencies\external\protobuf\src\google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h(305,49): warning C4267: "return": Konvertierung von "size_t" nach "int", Datenverlust möglich [D:\AWAWA\build\libsrc\protoserver\protoserver.vcxproj] [build] Code wird generiert... [build] protoserver.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\protoserver.lib [build] DoubleOption.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] qtc-grabber.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\qtc-grabber.lib [build] ImageOption.cpp [build] IntOption.cpp [build] Option.cpp [build] Parser.cpp [build] RegularExpressionOption.cpp [build] SwitchOption.cpp [build] ValidatorOption.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] commandline.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\lib\Debug\commandline.lib [build] Automatic MOC for target hyperion-remote [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/src/hyperion-remote/CMakeLists.txt [build] Automatic MOC for target hyperiond [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] hyperion-remote.cpp [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/src/hyperiond/CMakeLists.txt [build] mocs_compilation.cpp [build] hyperiond.cpp [build] JsonConnection.cpp [build] D:\AWAWA\include\ssdp/SSDPHandler.h(92,47): warning C4996: 'QNetworkConfiguration': wurde als veraltet deklariert [D:\AWAWA\build\src\hyperiond\hyperiond.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\src\hyperiond\hyperiond.cpp(232,31): warning C4150: Löschen eines Zeigers auf den nicht definierten Typ "BonjourBrowserWrapper". Destruktor wurde nicht aufgerufen. [D:\AWAWA\build\src\hyperiond\hyperiond.vcxproj] [build] D:\AWAWA\src\hyperiond\hyperiond.h(29): message : Siehe Deklaration von "BonjourBrowserWrapper" [D:\AWAWA\build\src\hyperiond\hyperiond.vcxproj] [build] systray.cpp [build] Code wird generiert... [build] main.cpp [build] hyperion-remote.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\bin\Debug\hyperion-remote.exe [build] Code wird generiert... [build] hyperiond.vcxproj -> D:\AWAWA\build\bin\Debug\hyperiond.exe [build] -- CMake Version: 3.18.4 [build] -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 to target Windows 10.0.19042. [build] CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:19 (CMAKE_POLICY): [build] The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version [build] of CMake. [build] [build] The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all [build] policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under [build] specific short-term circumstances. Projects should be ported to the NEW [build] behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD. [build] [build] [build] -- PLATFORM is not defined, evaluated platform: windows [build] -- PLATFORM: windows [build] -- ENABLE_SPIDEV = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_TINKERFORGE = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_V4L2 = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_WS281XPWM = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_AVAHI = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_USB_HID = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_QTC = ON [build] -- ENABLE_PROFILER = OFF [build] -- ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL = OFF [build] -- Current Version: [build] -- - Build: (GitHub-4ef25a7e/e81718f4-1604160281) [build] -- WINDOWS SDK: C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10 WindowsSDKDir environment variable [build] -- MSVC VERSION: 1927 [build] -- Set Qt5 module path: C:/Qt/5.15.0 [build] -- Found Qt Version: 5.15.0 [build] CMake Warning (dev) at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:273 (message): [build] The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args` (TurboJpeg) [build] does not match the name of the calling package (TurboJPEG). This can lead [build] to problems in calling code that expects `find_package` result variables [build] (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern. [build] Call Stack (most recent call first): [build] cmake/FindTurboJPEG.cmake:46 (find_package_handle_standard_args) [build] CMakeLists.txt:331 (find_package) [build] This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. [build] [build] -- Using Turbo JPEG library: C:/libjpeg-turbo64/lib/turbojpeg.lib [build] -- 7-zip found: C:/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe [build] Proceeding with version: [build] -- Using flatbuffers compiler: D:/AWAWA/build/bin/$(Configuration)/flatc.exe [build] -- Could NOT find ZLIB (missing: ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR) [build] CMake Deprecation Warning at dependencies/external/protobuf/src/CMakeLists.txt:329 (cmake_policy): [build] The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version [build] of CMake. [build] [build] The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all [build] policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under [build] specific short-term circumstances. Projects should be ported to the NEW [build] behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD. [build] [build] [build] -- Using protobuf compiler: D:/AWAWA/build/bin/$(Configuration)/protoc.exe [build] -- Found Python3: C:/Users/Paulchen/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found version "3.9.0") found components: Interpreter [build] -- Using static mbedtls libraries (build version "2.24.0") [build] -- Found Python3: C:/Users/Paulchen/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe (found version "3.9.0") found components: Interpreter Development Development.Module Development.Embed [build] -- Collecting Dependencies for target file: D:/AWAWA/build/bin/Debug/hyperiond.exe [build] -- Found OpenSSL: optimized;C:/Program Files/OpenSSL-Win64/lib/VC/libcrypto64MD.lib;debug;C:/Program Files/OpenSSL-Win64/lib/VC/libcrypto64MDd.lib (found version "1.1.1h") [build] -- LUT tar.xz tar extracted [build] -- LUT tar extracted [build] -- Configuring done [build] -- Generating done [build] -- Build files have been written to: D:/AWAWA/build [build] Building Custom Rule D:/AWAWA/CMakeLists.txt [build] Der Build wurde mit dem Exitcode 0 abgeschlossen.
OK, but didnt upload anything new because I'm run out of free storage credits on Github
Ezcap 269 and old analog UTV007 works for me, the same laptop camera, one Logitech camera had some problems with encoding but didn't throw that error. Wonder why the library was load after the MFC throw error.
You came too far: that's version is build by github automation so everyone has the same release based on the same sources
Probably the problem is your system: you can locate that line in sources and analise it yourself.
Earier I spoke about new version along much more features amongs them is usb-hid support for Windows. Will be available for everyone after test and after github reset my limit. -
Probably the problem is your system
:LOL: -
I also like to run your code through the GitHub Actions system and test it. After that, it still won't work.
Then show me your GitHub Actions Log for the last release. -
You perfectly know the developer talkYou use it yourself, it's not complaint.
I'm the only one to develop and test that module so I cant guarantee it will work for everyone, for every configuration and hardware at this stage.
And to continue developer talk: it's working for mePS: installed from official release
PS2: would welcome PR if you could find the problem on your system. -
PS: installed from official release
I want to compile it and not just install your last self-compiled release.
They don't describe the environment they use. -
You should also update your Windows version:
Oh, that's the it support not the developer talk anymore
You're perfectly right but unfortunately it didn't help for my old backup laptop... it's still working, sir:
And seriously because I cant duplicate the problem in my environment I cant help in your case. You can locate that problematic line: it's simply call to MFCreateDeviceSource function without any magic. Maybe it's related to device drivers and insufficient memory to initialize as the error suggest. Maybe on the Windows forum you will receive some help. And as I said would welcome feedback if you got some clue. -
And as I said would welcome feedback if you got some clue.
But only when you have cleaned up your QTC code and freed it from the V4L2 code. :biggrin: -
No, no ...that was for purpose, they have so many similarities and there's no need to rewrite all the WWW grabber configuration panel
Maybe QTC is a bit misleading as I intended to use QT Camera class but then I found Media foundation
Well, if that is the reason not to clean up the code and to free it of meaningless things, everything is ok. :ninja:
Future versions and other participant will take care of that refactoring stuff for sure
v4l2 driver was cleaned already by myself from dead code that was never used in Hyperion.
v4l2 driver was cleaned already by myself from dead code that was never used in Hyperion.
Jaja -
Automatically toggling tone-mapping based on if my Denon Receiver outputs HDR or SDR is done! Home-Assistant is great for these kind of automations.Thanks for adding this API feature @Awawa! Makes my life a bit easier
Hey Puck,
I can see that we have similar setups. Same Avr and both running Homeassistant. Could you share how you configured Homeassistant? -
Hey Puck,
I can see that we have similar setups. Same Avr and both running Homeassistant. Could you share how you configured Homeassistant?In order to get the signal state I use the following sensor:
Code- platform: scrape name: denon_signal_hdr resource: https://{IP_OF_DENON_AVR}:1234/ajax/general/get_config?type=12 verify_ssl: false select: "Information Video HDMISignalInfo HDR" scan_interval: 10
The following switch toggles the HyperHDR tone mapping:
Display More- platform: command_line switches: hyperion_toggle_hdr: command_on: 'curl -X POST -i "http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc" -d ''{"command":"videomodehdr","HDR":1}''' command_off: 'curl -X POST -i "http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc" -d ''{"command":"videomodehdr","HDR":0}''' command_state: "curl -k http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"command\":\"serverinfo\"}'" value_template: > {% if value_json.info.videomodehdr == 1 %} {{ true }} {% else %} {{ false }} {% endif %}
The following automation toggles the HyperHDR tone mapping based on the Denon AVR state:
Display More# HDR off: ' --- -> --- ' # HDR on: 'HDR10 -> HDR10' - id: ambilight_toggle_tone_mapping alias: Ambilight - Toggle tone-mapping based on HDR/SDR input signal trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.denon_signal_hdr action: service_template: > {% if is_state('sensor.denon_signal_hdr', 'HDR10 -> HDR10') %} switch.turn_on {% else %} switch.turn_off {% endif %} entity_id: switch.hyperion_toggle_hdr
Sorry that indentation is lost due to copy-paste.
In order to get the signal state I use the following sensor:
Code- platform: scrape name: denon_signal_hdr resource: https://{IP_OF_DENON_AVR}:1234/ajax/general/get_config?type=12 verify_ssl: false select: "Information Video HDMISignalInfo HDR" scan_interval: 10
The following switch toggles the HyperHDR tone mapping:
Display More- platform: command_line switches: hyperion_toggle_hdr: command_on: 'curl -X POST -i "http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc" -d ''{"command":"videomodehdr","HDR":1}''' command_off: 'curl -X POST -i "http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc" -d ''{"command":"videomodehdr","HDR":0}''' command_state: "curl -k http://{IP_OF_HYPERHDR}:8090/json-rpc -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"command\":\"serverinfo\"}'" value_template: > {% if value_json.info.videomodehdr == 1 %} {{ true }} {% else %} {{ false }} {% endif %}
The following automation toggles the HyperHDR tone mapping based on the Denon AVR state:
Display More# HDR off: ' --- -> --- ' # HDR on: 'HDR10 -> HDR10' - id: ambilight_toggle_tone_mapping alias: Ambilight - Toggle tone-mapping based on HDR/SDR input signal trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.denon_signal_hdr action: service_template: > {% if is_state('sensor.denon_signal_hdr', 'HDR10 -> HDR10') %} switch.turn_on {% else %} switch.turn_off {% endif %} entity_id: switch.hyperion_toggle_hdr
Sorry that indentation is lost due to copy-paste.
Great, Thank you!!
Will try this out later -
Hey there Awawa,
I just switched from Hyperion to your 12.0.0 release of HyperHDR because I wasn't able to get accurate colors. With your release I instantly got these so thanks!But I've got two problems which I cannot seem to solve:
1. With Hyperion whenever I plugged in the power everything would start up automatically within 30 seconds and the Ambilight worked. With HyperHDR I always have to turn the LED device off and on again from the remote control panel.
2. I just don't know how this is possible but since I've switched to HyperHDR whenever it is turned on my WLAN just falls apart. My TV only gets enough bandwith to play everything in 480p, the smartphones aren't able to load anything properly and the Ambilight also receives a massive delay of 5+ seconds. My PC which is connected by LAN isn't affected at all. I didn't have any of these problems with Hyperion so it can't be a hardware problem I guess?Is there anything I could do to fix that? Especially the second problem because it is unusable as it is right now but the colors sucked with normal Hyperion so I don't want to go back.
Thanks in advance and thanks again for your hard work!
Best regards
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