Hyperion Server:
- Build: master (GitHub-54707eff/36c05142-1604520240)
- Build time: Nov 5 2020 22:19:30
Hello folks,
i made a new installation (on RPI with good hardware) with compiling new Hyperion alpha 2.08 newest build.
the smoothing section is there but i can't save or switch on/off this feature in Image Processing.
only when i use Remote control then i can only switch it off,
when i switch Smoothing on in Remote control there's ZERO signal to the SPI device controller /dev/0.0/, so it'll look like ledstrip isn't working!
i've tested with different Json files from last build September, but with that build @ friends house runs fine.
when i use his Json file ( or use my own) then i get this bug.
I can go back a build and deinstall and compiling different build, i just wanted to let the dev's know.