Hyperion.ng RPi3 refuses connection on IP:8099

  • Hello, I have used Hyperion and it works great. I decided to test Hyperion.ng -- I created a fresh Raspbian-Lite image on RPi3 and installed/compiled Hyperion.ng per the Github instructions (https://github.com/hyperion-pr…ob/master/CompileHowto.md) via the install script.

    When I try to access the RPi on the local network, it refuses connection on 192.168.X.XXX:8099 (the IP of RPi on LAN). I cannot determine whether Hyperion.ng is running. I do not see the same symlinks/file structure as Hyperion. Do I need to manually set symlinks and copy directories for Hyperion.ng like legacy installation (https://hyperion-project.org/wiki/2-Installation)?

    Forgive my ignorance. I've spent hours searching the code and forums and am lost on how to proceed beyond the install in order to start the webUI/server for Hyperion.ng. Any help is appreciated.

  • Thanks for your help. Do I run .ng manually from the default installation directory (/usr/local/share/hyperion)? What command / syntax do I actually run? I do not see any hyperiond service/executables. Maybe I am just using the wrong command?

  • For example, the default install directory for Hyperion.ng is /usr/local/share/hyperion. hyperiond is located at /usr/local/share/hyperion/bin

    Running the following command does not seem to work:

    pi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/share/hyperion/bin $ hyperiond test.config.json[hyperiond MAIN] <WARNING> Create new config file (/home/pi/.hyperion/config/test.config.json)_

    In the case above, after the warning output, nothing happens. It does not matter what config file (blank/default/etc) I use, there is no return.

    If I copy the default hyperion.config.json.default to /home/pi/.hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json and then run:

    root@raspberrypi:~/.hyperion/config# /usr/local/share/hyperion/bin/hyperiond hyperion.config.json_

    Then there are no warnings, and nothing happens. No response in terminal.

    I do not see anything in the wiki or forum about starting Hyperion.ng other than through with method above. I know many people run Hyperion.ng on RPi -- what am I doing wrong? :-/

    Edited once, last by nb37 ().

  • SUCCESS! The issue was discovered by running "--debug". I discovered that the RPi configured Hyperion to run on port *8090* (not 8099, or 8094 as I have seen in other threads).

    pi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/share/hyperion/bin$ hyperiond hyperion.config.json --debug
    [hyperiond Core] <DEBUG> <Hyperion.cpp:537:bonjourRecordResolved()> found hyperion session: raspberrypi.local.:8090

    When I accessed the URL (either direct IP 192.168.X.XXX:8090 or raspberrypi.local:8090) I was able to access the Hyperion WebUI as expected. I'm not sure why it is running on port 8090. Maybe I misread the other posts, or maybe RPi just decided to use another port.

    In any case, THANKS for your help!

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