Hi guys, I'm trying to config my old system with a new led strip.
Before of it I driven 88 APA102 30/mt led like a charm without issues.
Now I changed my tv and I also upgraded led strips with 200 APA102 60/mt but with no luck.
What I have done, was just change the number of led in the Arduino sketch and in the Hyperion web ui. but I just have the first led powered on.
Following debug log and my Arduino sketch. how to solve?
thx a lot
Apa102 60/mt - 200 leds - Arduino Uno - rpi4 no light
- Tyler983
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
did you try to set a color in the webUI or a effect?
I’ve done with no luck. Nothing appear. Meanwhile today I will add a new 5v - 20a power supply.
The next step for me would be run a Test Sketch from fastled libary from arduino ide to Test if the arduino works correct with the LEDs
Really i don't know how to do it.
Can you please tell me how to do it, should i try one of the demos i can see in the fastled library in the arduino ide? -
yes, just use on of them. change your led count and try it
Shouldn't set my real led count to 200? Just a minus number like 100?
i set it always to leds-1, so if the last one dont shine, i know everything works
are you meaning it? #define ANALOG_MODE_LAST_LED 1\
Should i config the sketch compiling a minus number of my real leds? Ex: the real number of my leds is 200, i set in the sketch for max 100 leds -
ok i got it. when i'll be at home i'll try and report...
I think ( my experience/opinion) that you should look for hardware problems.
not to dive to deep into sketches of Arduino's,
but go back to basic and first check if the ledstrip you bought itself wants to fire.
just take the Arduino out of the setup and connect the ledstrip directly to GPIO pins 10/11
and ledcontroller APA102 SPI start with 80 leds to test in led layout.
2 scenario's
- if they are not firing then and debug log doesn't say errors AND leddevice is running in Hyperion....
it has to be the new ledstrip guy.
- if they are firing without problems with that setup then something has to be not correct in the sketch of the Arduino or doesn't recognize the ledstrip.
Well I don't think it's a led strip problem cause inverting the pins on the Arduino it was all on but with not proper colors. So leds are ok
Thx for the time you dedicated to me. I copied your new sketch but the result is always the same unfortunately: just few leds on at the beginning of the led strip in solid color.
I saw you modified bgr with rgb, I’ve done the same in the Hyperion webui but nothing… it seems there’s something in the arduino communication that doesn’t work, but what?
I found an error in the debug log about the led, maybe could help to know what to do....
Anyway now leds are not recognized in the component status
are you sure that the leds work fine? sounds like a faulty led
Well, sure it's just the death... anyway when i started the first light test in fastled examples, they all turn on showing a warm light through the tv.
There's something i can try to be sure leds are not the problem?
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