Calibration mode: LEDs don´t light up if screen capture disabled

  • Hi everybody,

    after struggling around with my setup quite a time, i finally noticed that the LEDs won´t light up in calibration mode

    if screen capturing is disabled in the remote control settings.

    Is this wanted that way or a bug?

    Best regards


    • Official Post

    Marxon This this the wanted behaviour.

    Calibration is mainly a calibration loop...

    e.g. if you have Kodi running.


    a) send a reference color to Kodi (e.g. Red)

    b) Kodi displays a red screen

    c) Hyperion's internal grabber captures the screen

    d) LEDs display what was captured

    If the red on the Screen does not match the Red on LEDs you "calibrate" the parameters of c) and d) to get a better match.

    if you do not capture the screen, you would not have a cause and effect loop.

    Edit: If you just want to adjust color to LEDs in general, you can do temporarily via the Remote Control /Color adjustment
    and later save them as part im image processing setting. for that you do not need internal capture.
    An active source would of course be helpful to see what you are adjusting...

  • Hi Lord-Grey,

    a) send a reference color to Kodi (e.g. Red)

    b) Kodi displays a red screen

    c) Hyperion's internal grabber captures the screen

    d) LEDs display what was captured

    Understood! Now it makes absolutly sense why the LEDs are off if screen capturing is disabled.

    Thanks for your explanation. :thumbup:

    Topic can be closed.

    Best regards


  • Sorry, but i (maybe) found an other issue:

    The 2nd step in the color calibration wizzard allows you to define a name for the color profile

    unfortunately setting a name here causes the leds not to react to the adjustments you do in the next steps.

    You first have to create a custom profile on the image processing settings page!

    Afterwards, the calibration wizzard gives you the option to select one of your created profiles

    and then the rest of the calibration works like expected.


    Edited 2 times, last by Marxon ().

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