New problem - no longer connecting with Android Grabber and Hyperion NG - HELO

  • Hello to all,

    I am recently having problems since a reinstall of windows. It was working for months flawlessly and recently, wither i forgot a setting or something, it does not connect easily anymore.

    I need to restart Hiperion a few times and also play with android grabber on and off, and then it connects.

    When i finish watching, i turn off my shield, next day lost the link between the hiperion set up and I am not sure why or what I may have missed from my last install.

    If anyone has any tips to what to look for that would be great please.

    I have set the priority of the grabber to to 150, I see my WLED is receiving the data from my PC where Hiperion NG is installed. If it managed to work eventullay settings are ok, just trying to find a way that it stops disconnecting so frequently.

    Thank you again


  • Here is my log debug file:

    to get the log and the error - it was running fine - i turned off my shield - put it back on to get the error in the log and then restarted Hiperion to make it work again.

    The new problem is that it does not connect without restarting Hiperion anymore. I hope this helps, thank you :

    When I switch the Shield this is the log: (No LED ON)

    2023-01-10T07:41:37.125Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:PriorityMuxer::registerInput()) Register new input 'Proto@::ffff:' () with priority 100 as inactive
    2023-01-10T07:41:37.125Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 100
    2023-01-10T07:41:37.125Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:637:Hyperion::handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on

    Power off the grabber:

    2023-01-10T07:43:14.617Z [PROTOSERVER] (DEBUG) (ProtoClientConnection.cpp:76:ProtoClientConnection::disconnected()) Socket Closed
    2023-01-10T07:43:14.824Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:359:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Removed source priority 100
    2023-01-10T07:43:14.824Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 255
    2023-01-10T07:43:14.824Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:628:Hyperion::handleSourceAvailability()) No source left -> Pause output processing and switch LED-Device off

    Power on the grabber: (No LED On)

    2023-01-10T07:43:25.760Z [PROTOSERVER] (DEBUG) (ProtoServer.cpp:75:ProtoServer::newConnection()) New connection from ::ffff:
    2023-01-10T07:43:25.831Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:PriorityMuxer::registerInput()) Register new input 'Proto@::ffff:' () with priority 100 as inactive
    2023-01-10T07:43:25.831Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:359:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Removed source priority 0
    2023-01-10T07:43:25.831Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 0
    2023-01-10T07:43:25.831Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:637:Hyperion::handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on
    2023-01-10T07:43:25.887Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 100

    Restart Hiperion server on win10: All Works again

  • Hello all,

    Just bumping if anyone has any ideas for me to try and make it work?

    Or do you need any more information from me so that you can help?

    Thank you

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