I actually try to use Hyperion again with my Rpi4. This device, as media server, is connected
- per WIFI with my home network and
- per Lan-cable with a 2nd raspi, my TV and my Radio.
I installed Hyperion successfully and expected to get it with the web interface, like I can do it on my rpi3, but it does not. The reason seems to be that Hyperion did not connect the web interface to my WIFI address, but only with the LAN-Address, so I can't access it from my home network. I've read something like that in a logfile.
Does somebody know if there is a possibility to force Hyperion to connect with my WIFI address instead of the LAN address?
In syslog I find some lines like this
Jan 28 15:48:36 Medienserver hyperiond[1699]: Error : incorrect HTTP headers line : "53Aid%25253Dn%2525253A14%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A68%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A15%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A68%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A16%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A68%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A17%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A258%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A18%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A258%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A19%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A258%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A20%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A258%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A21%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A258%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A22%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A68%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%5Esort%3Do%253Afield%253Ds%25253Astart_real%255Edirection%253Ds%25253AASC%5Efilters%3Do%253A\r\n"
and I found something strange else...
on my rpi3, where it works I see the system clock working:
micha@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -e | grep hyp
1282 ? 02:41:28 hyperiond
micha@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -e | grep hyp
1282 ? 02:41:32 hyperiond
micha@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -e | grep hyp
1282 ? 02:43:13 hyperiond
on my rpi4 hyperion seems to fall into a black hole, the time goes extremly slow:
micha@Medienserver:~$ ps -e | grep hyp
1215 ? 00:00:02 hyperiond
micha@Medienserver:~$ ps -e | grep hyp
1215 ? 00:00:03 hyperiond
micha@Medienserver:~$ ps -e | grep hyp
1215 ? 00:00:03 hyperiond
I tried something:
- removed hyperion
- reboot
- deleted all eth0 config information
- installed hyperion again
Result: I get a random and public address at eth0 and hyperion connects for the web configuration to this one
- removed hyperion
- reboot
sudo ifconfig eth0 down
now ifconfig shows no ethernet entry
- installed hyperion again
Result: Hyperion connects for the web configuration to the same public address like before
From where hyperion takes the information about the rpi controllers IPv4-Address