Setup SSH button commands to hyperion-remote server, examples how to setup and activate SSH

  • hello,

    How do you know if the correct syntax is used in a command?

    i get no return from Hyperion and log shows nothing wrong in syntax, but enable/disable command still doesn't work.

    if i use the command hyperion-remote --off then it works fine. So command is recognized by Hyperion server.

    never mind, its working but i was looking into the webserver:8090 to see if the command worked, but port 19444 and 8090 of hyperion are obviously not aware of change in settings so the other doesnt see changes.

    anyway it works so now i can control Hyperion with SSH commands on app.

    i wanted to disable the BLACKBORDER if watching movies without the black bords.

    maybe this helps someone also finding out syntax in hyperion-remote with SSH commands :)

    pi@HyperBian:~ $ hyperion-remote --instance "First LED Hardware instance" --disable "BLACKBORDER"


    Version : 2.0.13 ((HEAD detached at 2.0.13) (GitHub-dfd9438/5dc696b-1653218333))

    build time: May 22 2022 12:55:01

    2023-02-04T22:39:22.910 |__| REMOTE : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion host:, port: 19444 using service: HyperBian

    pi@HyperBian:~ $ sudo hyperion-remote --instance "First LED Hardware instance" --enable "BLACKBORDER"


    Version : 2.0.13 ((HEAD detached at 2.0.13) (GitHub-dfd9438/5dc696b-1653218333))

    build time: May 22 2022 12:55:01

    2023-02-04T22:40:15.169 |__| REMOTE : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion host:, port: 19444 using service: HyperBian

    pi@HyperBian:~ $

    Edited 2 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Lightning-guy77 into this post. ().

  • I managed to use the SSH service ( port 22) from Raspi >> [you have to activate SSH first in config of Raspi,] to control Hyperion-remote trough button commands.

    i used this option because without Home assistant ( way to much fuss) you can also easy control Hyperion with the android app:

    Raspberry SSH

    under here you see a screenshot which commands i use in Hyperion.

    in short to set-up:

    • Activate SSH in raspi-config
    • Download Putty
    • install putty or run it
    • With this tool you can see if the syntax of your commands is okay, if not you see errors
    • log in on your Raspi port 22
    • type: hyperion-remote -h
    • choose the commands you want and try them in terminal of Putty
    • if they work ( i"ll show a example below) install Rasberry SSH or Raspberry SSH lite
    • configure the buttons, green button in right top of screen means the SSH connection to the SSH Raspi server is made
    • Try the button, Hyperion-remote server will reply with errors if syntax isn't correct.
    • have fun!

    This method with SSH is direct control.

    you can control Hyperion as follow:

    • the webserver:8090 port options, IP make a setting and save..
    • The hyperion-remote server on SSH, port 19444, commands coming from SSH is NOT visible in the webserver environment , i found that out while configuring..

    and probably more but i am not using that options.

    TIP: i f you want to controll Instances with SSH commands, make sure they are activated in the webserver first! :)

    SSH button syntax examples:

    1. sudo hyperion-remote --instance "name of instance" --enable "BLACKBORDER"
    2. sudo hyperion-remote --instance "name of instance" --disable "BLACKBORDER"
    3. sudo hyperion-remote --on
    4. sudo hyperion-remote --off
    5. sudo hyperion-remote --brightness "1"
    6. sudo hyperion-remote --brightness "100"
    7. sudo hyperion-remote --instance "name of instance" --enable "LEDDEVICE"
    8. sudo hyperion-remote --instance "name of instance" --disable "LEDDEVICE"
    9. and so on..

    @moderator, pclin  Lord-Grey  TPmodding

    can you change topic title into:

    Setup SSH button commands to hyperion-remote server, examples how to setup and activate SSH

  • Lord-Grey

    Changed the title of the thread from “question about API hyperion-remote enable/disable blackborder commands” to “Setup SSH button commands to hyperion-remote server, examples how to setup and activate SSH”.
    • Official Post

    can you change topic title into:


    SSH button syntax examples:

    There is no need running the commands under root.
    You can execute the commands without "sudo"

    i get no return from Hyperion and log shows nothing wrong in syntax, but enable/disable command still doesn't work.

    The command is designed for system/scripting usage.

    In case it succeeds, it returns "0"; in case of failure "1". Standard Unix behaviour.

    In a script you can check for the return code.

    For testing you can do echo $?  to see the return code.

    Besides return code, hyperion-remote provides an error, if the command failed.


    hyperion-remote --disable "BLACKBORDER1"
    Version   : 2.0.15-beta.1 (Dominant (LordGrey-75abbebc/177193e6-1675063961))
    build time: Feb  1 2023 22:23:12
    2023-02-05T14:19:32.831 |__| REMOTE            : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion host:, port: 19444 using service: ubuntu2204
    2023-02-05T14:19:32.832 |__| REMOTE            : <ERROR> Error: Errors during specific message validation, please consult the Hyperion Log
    thomas@ubuntu2204:~/$ echo $?
  • There is no need running the commands under root.
    You can execute the commands without "sudo"

    Thanks Lord-Grey for the topic change.

    The sudo I will remove but I tested and that the rest of the syntax is okay 👍

    The hyperion-remote server on SSH, port 19444, commands coming from SSH is NOT visible in the webserver environment , i found that out while configuring..

    this isn't completely true: you can see the changes of status but only in Dashboard, each instance has his sliders and they react to the SSH commands.


    -capture device


    etc you can see the slides go ON and OFF when giving a SSH/button command

    except when you are changing a setting in a instance, you can't see the change in webserver.

    Edited once, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Lightning-guy77 into this post. ().

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