Do i still need a Pi if i use an Intel NUC for Libreelec

  • Hey all,

    Super excited to get this set up. I've got a rooted LG C9 that i've installed hyperion and PiCap on. I'm wondering though given i run LIbreelec on an Intel NUC whether i could get away without having to get a pi/capture card? Essentially i'm still at the stage of just working out what minimal equipment i can use to get this running. Looks awesome.

  • PicCap (Grabber) and Hyperion run on the LG, you need a controller to which the LEDs are connected, e.g. ESP32 with WLED software. A power supply for the LED and mostly a level shifter.

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

  • If i bought and LED strip with WLED already installed that could be my complete set up ?

    Here are my lights

    Just done a little googling and think i could have a completely no solder solution here if i found a WLED setup taking USB light input and having USB power

    I've got a current LED strip of static colours that i power using one of the USB ports on the LG so would be hoping to use the same here.

  • USB doesn't deliver enough amps, you need a power supply for the LEDs!

    No more than 750mA should be operated via an ESP.

    On the LG you have max. USB2.0 with 500mA or USB3.0 900mA

    LED power calculator

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

  • Just looking at the 2m lights i've got now they're powered by USB?

    If not i'll start googling some compatible light strips to give a test

  • For the set from your link you don't need a rooted LG, PicCap and Hyperion. But you won't get a good Ambilight with it either. ;)

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

  • regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

  • Ok slowly and surely getting there. Think this would do the trick for an ESP32 board? Wt32-eth01 Embedded Serial Port Networking Bluetooth-compatible Ethernet Wifi Combo Gateway Mcu Esp32 Wireless Module Wt32 Eth01 - Integrated Circuits - AliExpress

    Once i've got my light strip and this i'm going to need a way to power the ESP32? Is that direct or do i connect it to an arduino ?

    Lastly, how does hyperion picap actually connect to this ESP32 board, is it just over a network? I thought there'd be a direct connection

    Again thanks for all the help so far!

  • If you go with ESP32 or ESP8266 you are going to run WLED as "translator" on the ESP. No need for arduino anymore. The ESP gets powered by the same power supply as the LEDs

    I assume you like to run LE11?

    If yes, then you will need Hyperion (Server) running in a Docker container within LE11.

    You have to configure the WLED instance in the server. After this is setup you have to configure the IP of the Hyperion server in Picap. If all is done right, you are enlighted :)

    My setup is based on Wemos D1 Mini over WiFi. Hyperion Server runs on a Proxmox container.

    With WiFi based boards you will introduce some more latency as you can imagine. For me it works however...

  • Awesome yep i do run LE11 - However i've actually rooted my webos tv so i was thinking i connect my esp to that instead.

    I'll checkout your board and pray i get the same results over wifi.

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