Is there a way to set a maximum brightness for the LEDs? I have 300 WS2812's that I'm looking to power with a 75W PSU. This looks like it's going to require about 19A or so at 100% brihtness. Is there a way to cap the brightness of the LED's at say 75% to avoid this issue? Or should I just order a bigger PSU?
Maximum Brightness
- broyuken
- Thread is Unresolved
Hyperion does not have a brightness limiter such as WLED.
Approx. 12.5 A are required for 300 WS2812b.
regards pclin
That calculator must be off because I have 15A and I get voltage warnings if I get the LEDs up past 85% and my display turns off. Or the Pi itself is pulling a bunch of voltage that gets me up over the 15A mark. Looks like I'll have to order a bigger PSU.
Where do the voltage warnings come from?
And what makes you then suspect that you have too few amps?
WS2812b 35 mA per LED, if you also operate other things with the power supply of the Stripes you will of course need more.
It doesn't make sense to operate the RPI with it because an RPI needs 5.2 volts and the LEDs 5 volts or something less.
regards pclin
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