For some reason the option for ws2812b led lights isn't an option when setting up the led hardware, I've seen multiple YouTube videos in which people use these led strips and the option is there for them, but isn't there for me. I have the latest version of Hyperion installed on my raspberry pi4 . the way I have set up my Hyperion install is by using the raspberry pi4 imager, I selected hardware as the pi4(which is what I'm using) and configured the network and user settings in the RPI imager since doing it in the OS files wasn't working and configured SSH in the OS files since that worked. Even re-flashing the OS isn't working. I've used SSH to run the following commands[sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo reboot] but it still didn't show up. Ive also tried switching the user to root to see if this would reslove the issue using command "sudo su"
so im stupid it is an option just nammed diffrent also i need root privalages so yea fixed it hopefullt
how do i make it to were im root i tried
hyperion@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl disable --now hyperion@pi
hyperion@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now hyperion@root
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/hyperion@.service.
but it wont work it still says i have to be root in the web interface