Hardware Revision not supported -Hyper HDR

  • Hey everyone. I've been trying to run an ambilight system using rpi3 B+, sk6812 LED strip, Image capture Device, and Hyperion HDR v17.0.0.0

    All of my hardware is connected, has power and is working, but the LED strip won't turn on. Software all seems to be working as well except for in my logs I get an error that says LED device disabled: Hardware revision not supported.

    I saw a post of someone who had a similar issue and was able to fix it by using the compiling command:

    sudo wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.….ng/master/bin/compile.sh | sh

    I have tried using this command, but it always pauses at some point and doesn't progress for a while (30 min-1 hour) before saying an error occurred software caused connection abort.

    When i try to run the command again, I get a Directory "Hyperion" already exists and is not empty error. I have deleted the directory with the code:

    sudo rm -r hyperion

    and rerun the original wget command prompt 4 times and keep getting the same issue.

    Any ideas?

    code is actually sudo wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.….ng/master/bin/compile.sh | sh

    Edited 3 times, last by Retrograde: Merged a post created by Retrograde into this post. ().

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