trouble accessing nightly build

  • I'm on linux (fedora) and trying to install a nightly build, as support for the brand of light i'm trying to use (skydimo) was merged in July. When adding the fedora nightly repo, I still get the stable build (2.0.16) from January. I'm a novice w github and dealing with these things, but is this normal or unexpected behaviour? Is there any way to run a more recent build?


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  • Lord-Grey Thanks for the response. I'm on a fedora 40 derivative, and it was easier to manually add the repo. My package manager shows "Hyperion - x86_64 - Nightly Release( 99)"

    The service itself shows:

    Version 2.0.16

    Build (HEAD detached at 2.0.16) (Paulchen-Panther-cb85d2d/a93d79b-1705568419)

    Build date Jan 21 2024 19:48:31

    I just wasn't sure how often nightlies are updated and whether this could just be expected

    • Official Post

    exiledfinancier The last Nighly was build 18.08.2024. It is VERSION: 2.0.17_beta.1+nightly20240818df2b2b237297a29253b3b35013c1ff2702686eb0

    You might need to uninstall the released version and install the nightly one.

  • i've tried the following:

    - add nightly repo manually, making sure there are no duplicates, and cleaning the dnf cache before removing and reinstalling hyperion package. also checked for any residual files in .local, .cache, .config etc

    - edit install script with the below (due to distro being different flavor, and no flag option for fedora), dnf remove hyperion app and then run script with "-n" flag

    function get_distro() {
    # Determine the used Linux distribution.
    echo ${distro} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

    both result in the following

    and the install script does add the nightly repo entry:
    Hyperion - x86_64 - Nightly Release

    I'm relatively inexperienced with using linux so there may be something obvbious that i'm missing, but it looks like there may be an issue with the fedora nightly repo?

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    You should now be able to install the nightly version. I recognized the problem and fixed it. Unfortunately it does not start. Maybe Lord-Grey can have a look when he has some free time.…547644803/job/29220598237

    • Best Answer
    • Official Post

    exiledfinancier Unfortunately, there was a problem with the easy install script...

    That is fixed now.

    If you now execute the curl install command as stated above you should get the nightly version.

    See the picture below, where I installed via the script on a Fedora 40 workstation.

  • Lord-Grey thank you! Working great for me- just updating from the nightly repo gives the current version. very much appreciated. Looking forward to keeping up with your project and will send a donation through.

    While i've got you here and on the subject of software- do either you or Paulchen-Panther feel optimistic about any projects delivering compatible software screen-capture for wayland in the near future?

    • Official Post

    exiledfinancier Good to hear that it is working now.

    Currently, there is no work happening on a native Wayland grabber in Hyperion.

    What you might want to check, if OBS has a Wayland grabber capability.

    There is a Hyperion OBS plugin available which would send the OBS captured screen to Hyperion for Ambientlight processing.

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