Hyperion doesn't reconnect to wled when computer wake up from sleep

  • Hello,

    I have a Wemos D1 mini v4.0 running WLED v0.14.4 wired to 144 LEDs. Everything works just fine, except when my computer wakes up from sleep. Hyperion v2.0.16 cannot reconnect to WLED.

    The error in Hyperion logs is: [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (ERROR) Cannot resolve mDNS hostname for given service [wled-cbf325._wled._tcp.local]!

    I can access the WLED interface in my browser and turn on the LEDs and set effects just fine. Restarting Hyperion doesn't resolve the issue.

    To resolve the issue I have to restart the WEMOS manually (which is inconvenient because it is hidden), then restart Hyperion.

    Any help with resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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