Need help getting started, LED: APA102, Hyperbian arm64 for Pi 5

  • Hello everyone,

    I hope that my request for help is in the right place here. I just started working with the Raspberry Pi and Hyperion. I realy love the idea of Hyperion! <3

    My big goal is to make one day my own ambient light for my big 100 inch screen. But for now I want to start with somthing smaller.

    I have successfully managed to get a decent ambient light with my APA102 rgb strip running for my second monitor, 24 inch, with my 10 year old Raspberry Pi 1 Model B (armhf) as you can see in the attached picture and this experience was amazing!  :love:

    Now I bought a new Pi 5 and have actually done everything exactly the same as with the Pi 1. Everything is wired and plugged in the same way as before. I wire the SDI (DI) connection of the APA102 to Physical Pin 19 (MOSI) and also the CKI (CI) connection to Physical Pin 23 (SCLK) on the Raspberry Pi. I installed the arm64 Hyperbian operating system and also made all the necessary settings, such as setting the root user for Hyperion and activating SPI on the Pi.

    However - and I am slowly reaching the end of my own knowledge and patience after almost 100 hours ;( - I have checked everything 1,000 times and the LEDs should actually work.... BUT this is not the case........

    I would really appreciate your support.

    Many thanks in advance and best regards,

    Your Entertain :saint:

    My results on the Pi 1:


  • hello.

    If you can acces the WebUI :port 8090

    Set hyperion as expert user level and go to debug log, post it here with Pastebin

    If you dont: see if you can SSH to it with program Putty on port 22

    Fwi: you don't need root acces to run only SPI APA102 ledcontroller, that's only needed for running PWM WS281x ledcontroller

  • Hello!

    Thank you very much for your help!

    So with the WebIU port 8090 there is no problem with accessing the Hyperion configuration page and there is also no problem with the ssh connection, so yes I do have access.

    Now I changed the root user back to the hyperion user as you recommended.

    Here is my detailed log and I also added some screenshots:

    Hyperion System Summary Report (My Hyperion Config)

    Reported instance: [0] - First LED Hardware instance

    < ----- System information -------------------- >

    Hyperion Server:

    - Build: (HEAD detached at a93d79b) (Paulchen-Panther-cb85d2d/a93d79b-1705568419)

    - Build time: Jan 28 2024 10:21:59

    - Git Remote:

    - Version: 2.0.16

    - UI Lang: de (BrowserLang: de-DE)

    - UI Access: expert

    - Avail Screen Cap.: dispmanx,framebuffer,qt

    - Avail Video Cap.: v4l2

    - Avail Audio Cap.: audio

    - Avail Services: boblight,cec,effectengine,forwarder,flatbuffer,protobuffer,mDNS,SSDP,borderdetection

    - Config path: /home/hyperion/.hyperion

    - Database: read/write

    - Mode: Non-GUI

    Hyperion Server OS:

    - Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

    - Architecture: arm64

    - CPU Type: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0

    - CPU Revision: d04170

    - Kernel: linux (6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-2712 (WS: 64))

    - Root/Admin: false

    - Qt Version: 6.4.2

    - Python Version: 3.11.2

    - Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

    < ----- Configured Instances ------------------ >

    0: First LED Hardware instance, Running: true

    < ----- This instance's priorities ------------ >

    001: VISIBLE - (EFFECT) (Owner: My Modded Effect)

    253: INVISIBLE - (V4L) (Owner: V4L2)

    Autoselect: true

    < ----- This instance components' status ------->

    ALL - true

    SMOOTHING - true

    BLACKBORDER - true

    FORWARDER - false


    GRABBER - false

    V4L - true

    AUDIO - false

    LEDDEVICE - true

    < ----- Current Log --------------------------- >

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.731Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 41 effects loaded from directory :/effects/

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.733Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 23 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.736Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 0 effects loaded from directory /home/hyperion/.hyperion/custom-effects/

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [DAEMON] (INFO) Qt grabber created

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [V4L2] (INFO) Set image size decimation to 10

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [V4L2] (INFO) Set flipmode to NO_CHANGE

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [V4L2] (INFO) Signal detection area set to: 0.400000,0.100000 x 0.460000,0.900000

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [V4L2] (INFO) Signal threshold set to: {0, 255, 0}

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.791Z [V4L2] (INFO) Set new frames per second to: 60 fps

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.931Z [V4L2] (INFO) Started

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.933Z [EVENTS-SCHED] (INFO) Disabling event scheduler

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.934Z [DAEMON] (INFO) CEC event handler created

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.805Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Start LedDevice 'apa102'.

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.805Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) [apa102] Setting maximum brightness to [31] = 100%

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.805Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device apa102 ON

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.805Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device apa102 is ON

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.805Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) LedDevice 'apa102' enabled

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.806Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 1

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.831Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.831Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.831Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.934Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.866Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.867Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.870Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Warm mood blobs] finished

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.932Z [FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.933Z [PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.946Z [JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.953Z [EVENTS-CEC] (INFO) CEC handler disabled

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.977Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion http-Webserver' started on port 8090

    2024-12-17T23:52:37.986Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion https-Webserver' started on port 8092

    2024-12-17T23:52:45.869Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Previous line repeats 1 times

    2024-12-17T23:52:45.869Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Rainbow swirl fast] finished

    2024-12-18T18:39:26.561Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "My Modded Effect" on channel 1

  • Here are some additional information about the SPI:

  • Thank you very much for your message.

    Yes, you are right, I double checked it and in the first video I saw a guy was also setting the SPI device to spidev0.0 and connecting the LED strips to GPIO10 PIN19 and GPIO11 PIN23. But I'm already using these PINs, so I set the SPI device back to spidev0.0, but that didn't help.

    How can I ask the Pi which SPI device is currently active or in use or connected?

    One interesting thing is that when I switch the PINs 19 and 23, the light is on continuously on, see pictures below.

    But I can't do anything with the strip.

    There is no effect I can apply, no USB video signal.

    Even the RGB Byte Order Wizard can't help, not even switching directions or anything else.

    It's like they are shortened.

    Switching the PINs back they are off again.

  • you have to use GPIO (19) /20 MOSI /21 clk for SPI1

    Select SPI 1.0 in ledcontroller

    Activate in config.txt


    SPI at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout

    for spidev0.0 you need GPIO10 PIN19 and GPIO11 PIN23

    You selected spidev0.1 that uses different GPIO pins

    Sorry for the confusion, SPI0.1 doesn't exist in hardware pins...

    only SPI1.0

    Edited 2 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Ambient_theater77 into this post. ().

  • Hello Ambient_theatre77,

    thank you very much for this tip!!!

    Now it works!!! Unbelievable!!! Thank you so much!!! 🥳😍😊👍

    So I added the code ‘dtoverlay=spi1-3cs’ to the ‘config.txt’ and connected the LED strip to pins 20 and 21 as you said and now it works perfectly, thank you!

    I didn't find this information in the ‘Getting Started’ manual on the Hyperion website:

    Getting Started · Hyperion documentation

    Maybe this page needs an update? ^^

    Where can I find information about which pins Hyperion use?

    And which user would you recommend I should run Hyperion if I'm using the Raspberry Pi OS and have Hyperion installed?

    I'm running it as root now. Would I be better running it as the Hyperion user or as my own user?

    Many thanks in advance,

    Your Entertain!

  • that's great 👍

    You the User' determine which SPI output is being used.

    The thing is that standard' settings are SPIDEV0.0 because normally that isn't used by other sources only than Hyperion.NG GPIO10 and 11

    But if being used then you can alternate the SPI output yourself to the host Hyperion.NG, change the settings and hardware PINs and you're done!

    You don't need to run root acces only using SPI controller. That's only for WS281x PWM controller. I never change my user btw because I am novice at best in Linux

  • Hello again,

    happy new year! I wish you all the best! :saint:

    So many thanks again for your message and explanation.

    I don't know exactly what I did, but now I have the same problem again that they don't work.

    Meanwhile I bought a normal Bluetooth LED controller to check if the LEDs work and they do (see picture below).

    So everything is fine with the wiring and eletryzitiy of the LEDs.

    I used GPIO PINs 20 (MOSI) and 21 (SCLK) as you sad, last time it worked (see picture below).

    I also selected SPI1.0 in Hyperion and in the preview everything works, just nothing happens (see picture below).

    Here is my config.txt, so now I'm running Hyperion on Pi OS, I installed it and everything is updated and upgraded, but maybe I tryed to much in the last days:

    Many thanks in advance for your help!

  • #dtparam=spi=on

    Remove the # and save the config.txt

    then reboot the Raspi

    # before = Uncommented so NOT enabled, remove # will enable the line after reboot

    enable line 9

    Remove line 68

    then save and reboot.

    (You are commanding the SPI interface 2 different lines in config.txt, that's not going to work.)

    Edited 4 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Ambient_theater77 into this post. ().

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