Old Lightberry Setup

  • Hello together,

    its been 10 years now, since i buy and run my first ambilight setup with the first old leds from Lightberry itself. Since 4 years or something like that, i put it away from tv. Inbetween i ordered ws2801. Now that i have a little free time and saw the package with the setup i would like to install the whole thing. But damn... it wasnt easy for me back then, but just like it is now, and offered me some questions.

    Does the actual Hyperbian Image work with my old Pi b+?

    I read anywhere else that i dont need the Lightberry Splitter anymore If i got the latest Hyperion version, ist that right?

    Do i need to fix my gpios?

    is there nowadays any option to grab the original TV Signal? (otherwise i only will run a ps4 on it)

    i hope you can help a guy with almost no Idea in such things.

    friendly regards =)

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    so i can let gpios be in the position where they are in the picture and only install Hyperion 2.01.6?

    if you want to run WS2801 ledstrip with SPI then connect the strip directly to GPIO 10 and 11, thats SPIdev 0.0

    SPI at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout

    the whole lightberry led controller/level converter trough converting USB protocol is now absolete, you don't need it except the grabber for HDMI grab

  • ahhh... now that i read a bit for myself, ther comes more and more knowledge from those days, so that i would like to delete my first Questions 🙈

    ok, then i run it on SPIdev 0.0. with my good old Lightberry Splitter.

    I read more actual Tutorials and a few recommended a 4k or 2k HDMI splitter and av converter, and i remember back then, there was "Lightberry HD". But why? I think a the end there ist the grabber with sd Output, or not? otherwise is it relevant for single Led spots? My Lightberry HDMI passthrough is 4k to TV?

    friendly regards :)

    l forgot... someone recommended to weld the leds and other cables together instead of connectors, If you got more then 90-100 leds. I got 112. ais that a Problem?

    Edited 2 times, last by NHFFMNN: Ein Beitrag von NHFFMNN mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • so... i installed everything correctly, but hyperion wont get a signal from the old Lightberry grabber (no signal screen in live Video). Maybe hes broken over the years?

    Now i buyed another loop grabber (uvc Chip). hes working, but i think the pie cant handle the signal. is there a loop grabber someone can recommend? If not... which splitter-grabber combination?

    now i set the resolution from the grabber on minimum and it works...

    Edited once, last by NHFFMNN: Ein Beitrag von NHFFMNN mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().


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