Hyperbian with SK9822 stripe - LED aren´t working

  • Hello,

    i have had an working ambientlight with Libreelec 9.8.2 a long time ago.

    Since then i changed my TV to a bigger one with 4k, but i didn´t install my ambientlight.

    But i want to do it now.

    I had an old setup with the Logilink Videograbber and APA102 Stripes. I tested it, but the LED wouldn´t turn on. So I bought some new parts:

    Splitter: Feintech VSP01202

    Grabber: HDTV Video Caputure Videoaufnahmekarte Capture Streaming Rekorder Live Streaming hdmi USB

    Raspberry Pi3b

    SK9822 LED Stripes

    Power Supply: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00MWQF08C?tag=hyperioforum-21

    I installed Hyperbian to the Raspberry as told in the guide and in the following video:

    Make Your Room Come Alive with This DIY Ambilight System - Wow!
    Hey everyone, in todays video I'll be showing you all how to make your own ambilight tv to use with your gaming systems using the program Hyperion on a raspb...

    I change the user to root.

    Unfortunately my LED stripe stays black, even after the first start of hyperion.

    My Pin Connection is:

    GND: Pin 6

    CI: Pin 23

    DI :Pin 19

    So it´s like for an APA102 stripe

    Of course i connected the stripe with the power supply.

    Under the Webinterface i did load the profile for my stripes and after that for the APA102 again. But with both profiles the LED stays black.

    The grabber is working. Under Live-View the Screen Caputure of my Xbox is showing.

    I dont know, why the LED won´t turn on. Maybe the GPIO are wrong, or aren´t used. Because like I said they won´t turn on even after the first start.

    A second problem is, that after starting the PI i have to login manually by myself. But at first i want the LED to work.

    Could anybody help me?

    I´m right before giving up and buying an external solution. But anyhow it should work. But how?

    My logfile is attached.

  • Yes, spi is activated. I looked it up by connecting the sd-card to the pc and reading out the config file.

    I reinstalled Hyberbian. But now i only connected the led stripe to the pi after installing Hyperbian. Now 4 LEDs are lighting up. but that´s it.

    Your configuration doesn´t work either.

    Is it correct, that I have to manuelly login to the pi after rebooting and the hyperion status is stopped?

  • No you don't have to login.

    I think about it and it's possible (not having the experience with sk9822 strips) that the dataline voltage the Raspi puts out is too low and you need a levelshifter to crank up the datasignal from 3.3 to 5 volts.

    Normally a SPI controlled APA102 strip works even without levelshifter direct on the GPIOs, the fact yours don't because a sk9822 is a clone strip of the APA102 is a sign....

    Even my HD107S ledstrip runs out of the box WITHOUT levelshifter on APA102 ledcontroller flawlessly..

    So I don't know, if you ledlayout is correct then...

    you can only test your PSU. Common ground and not to high on voltage max 5.3

    maybe somebody has a different option for you but for me that's it.

  • Alright. Thank you for your Help so far :)

    I got an APA102 stripe as well. The LEDs didnt light Up either. The soldering Connections seemed fine, but the stripe ist old. That's why i bought a new stripe, Just to bei sure.

    I can try it with the old stripe again tomorrow.

    But otherwise i'm a little bit helpless. I tried it also with Libreelec before and Just with the internal picture of Kodi, and with some other tutorials I found.

    But its allways the problem that the Led stripe wont light up, even with wrong colors.

  • Yes, spi is activated. I looked it up by connecting the sd-card to the pc and reading out the config file.

    are you sure


    Line is without the # ?

    GND: Pin 6

    CI: Pin 23

    DI :Pin 19

    SPI at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout


    GPIO10 is pin 19. Mosi

    GPIO11 is pin 23 clk

    GND connected from/to PSU/ledstrip/Raspi.

    Try this:


    GPIO20 is pin 38. Mosi

    GPIO21 is pin 40 clk

    For spi1.0 activation add a line in config.txt below the dtparam spi line without the #


    I have a Raspi 3b with mentioned setup, it ran... Ws2801 and APA102 and HD107S with Hyperbian 2.013 en later 2.016 distro with no problem whatsoever.

    I hope you find the problem :)

    this is mine

    Edited 2 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Ambient_theater77 into this post. ().

  • So, there is a first success.

    I pressed a littlte bit the beginning of the stripe, where connections are. The lights went on and they are working.

    I set everything up in the WebUI and connected the stripe with the PI Over Pin 19 and 23 just to check and did restart the pi.

    The LED stay white.

    My settings so far:


    sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    I wanted to check the file. But there it says :

    Maybe that´s the problem?

    in the /firmware/config.txt SPI is activated

    Somewhere I did read adding


    can help. But I try this later, also your new settings. This is just for checking, if everything is correct so far.


    I added


    to the config.txt in /firmware. Under the WebUI i can now access the other SPI-Devices. So the firmware/config.txt is correct.

  • okay!

    so try the APA102 ledcontroller on SPI0.0 with standard settings.

    then try the sk9822 ledcontroller with standard settings.

    in one way or the other it should be come to life

    wait, i've got another extra plan after that.

    Cut the ledstrip until the faulty is gone and solder dataconnector on there, or use the old APA102

    Edited 2 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Ambient_theater77 into this post. ().

  • With the settings for SK9882 I disconnected the power for the PI and for the Stripes as well and put the power back on.

    The stripes won´t turn on again :(

    My logfile

    Edit: alright, my bad. I double checked the connection pins. I accidently swapped them. Now the LED are just white again.

    I will try the SPI 1.0 :)

    Okay, next step..

    I tried it with SPI 1.0. Nothing again..

    The LED were only ligthening up, when i changed the connections the the GPIOs when the PI was turned on.

    When i´m disconnecting the power and switching the power back on, the stripes wont turn on again.

    I connected my old APA102 again. And the LED also wont turn on.

    I´m at a loss :/

    But thank you for your help so far :)

  • Thank you :)

    I searched for it and found a solution for testing SPI with a jumper cable as a loopback test with a program called spidev-test

    Einfacher spi Test ohne Messgeräte mit einem jumper Kabel - Deutsches Raspberry Pi Forum
    http://www.netzmafia.de/skripten/hardware/RasPi/RasPi_SPI.html Scheint SARS-CoV-2 bedingt in letzter Zeit viele Ambilight Probleme zu geben. Viele…

    I will try that at first.

    For testing the strip with python i found this solution: https://tutorials-raspberrypi.…rgb-strip-python-steuern/

    Is it correct?

    After checking both things I can use an other raspberry, because I got a 2nd one at home.

    I don´t have time today, so I will do this tomorrow.

    I really appreciate your help :) Thank you so far :)

  • Here I am again and looking at solutions.

    I trief the steps for using spidev test. But there seems some problems:

    I´m running

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torvalds/linux/master/tools/spi/spidev_test.c
    gcc -o spidev_test spidev_test.c

    With the first one, spedev_test.c is downloaded. But with running the second command I´m getting an error

    When I´m trying to start the program with

    ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev0.0 -v

    the command line is returning

    -bash: ./spidev_test: No such file or directory 

    I don´t know, if I am doing something wrong or the program is outdated.

    Afterwards i tried

    lsmod | grep spi
     lsmod | grep spi

    The results:

    So, SPI should be activated? But to be honest, i don´t know, what the "2" after spidev 20480 means.

    Succuess :)

    I tested my second Raspberry PI. And what should I say.. It´s working :)

    So, the problem all the time wasn´t any configuration or problem with hyperion. It was the Pi itself.

    Now I can install the stripe to the TV and connect everything. When it´s dark, i can calibrate Hyperion and the colors.

    A first test with the xbox and the Netflix app was successfull. I got concerns that the colors aren´t showing correct, becaus of DRM Content and HDR for Xbxo itself. But at a first view it is working.

    But at the Second view, in the Xbox settings is shown, that HDR isn´t supported.

    But for that i should have installed HyerHDR?

    But nevertheless.. I´m really happy that it´s working now :)

    In retrospect I should have tested the other Pi before, but to be honest i didn´t think that the Pi itself was the problem .

    So, a big thank you to you @Ambient_theater77 for your help and patience :)

    Edited 3 times, last by dendemeier: Ein Beitrag von dendemeier mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • But for that i should have installed HyerHDR?

    But nevertheless.. I´m really happy that it´s working now :)

    In retrospect I should have tested the other Pi before, but to be honest i didn´t think that the Pi itself was the problem .

    Yes, no HDR stream possible to Hyperion.NG

    I suspected such already after all those tests.

    Good it works 💪 now

    Fine tweaking? Take your time, it can take days to have a nice glow you'll be satisfied with..

    So, a big thank you to you Ambient_theater77 for your help and patience :)

    No problem that's why we here, to point you in the right direction

    Edited 2 times, last by Ambient_theater77: Merged a post created by Ambient_theater77 into this post. ().

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