Posts by filipe teixeira
could you please explain better i dint understand what you mean.
Do you have a tutorial that i can follow in order to have hyperion??
I hqve tried 1000x without sucess
Could you send me an image from your hyperion in order to burn into my sd card to see i works?
thank a lot for your hep guys,
i have make a fresh intalation and same problem leds dont work
so after i used another tutorial on youtube same problem as before.
1- i have Download the image here: HyperBian Download
2 extract the image and burn on my sd card using raspberry pi image (select a custom image from my pc that i have extract)
3 after installation is finished put on the sd card ssh and wpa_supplicant.conf file
4 using putty put these commands
sudo systemctl disable --quiet hyperion@pi.service --now
sudo systemctl enable --quiet hyperion@root.service --nowsudo updateHyperionUser -u root
after i type sudo reboot i have this
helo again and i m sorry for my persistance.
So after i have a few time available i make a fresh instalation on my sd card.
I have used the tutorial from DrZzs.
When i arrive to step i have put this command :
sudo dpkg -i Hyperion-2.0.13-Linux-armv7l.deb
i have this
then ater i put the command
sudo reboot
u put these 2 lines
sudo systemctl disable --now hyperion@pi
sudo systemctl enable --now hyperion@root
but the leds dont work.
i have tried some commands in order to see i i could see what is wrong and have this:
And this is what I have in my tv
PS: when i have put the command the fist time
sudo dpkg -i Hyperion-2.0.13-Linux-armv7l.deb
i have a msg error regardin to libcec6 so i have put:
sudo apt-get install libcec6
sudo apt-get install libcec-dev
apt --fix-broken install
but then i think it is installed as you can see in the 1st image above
i can someone give me some help i be thankfull.
i dont know what i can do in order to work it
Thanks a lot for the help
Can please someone help me. I can’t that leds turn on. Please see the photo
Black wire in hardware pin 9 (ground)
Yellow wire connect in hardware pin 19 (gpi10)
Green wire connected in hardware pin 23 (gpio11 spi sclk)
please see the log
thanks ins advanced
ps: i have used ws2812b and the same problem the leds dont turn on as well (with the right configurations, before i have updated for the last hyperion version it works perfect)
I have no ideas what is wrong. If can someone sends me a zip file in order to burn in to my sd card it will works?
Anyone have an idea to help? Thanks in advanced
Me neither. What you suggest I can do? I have no ideas. Maybe a problem with the SD card?
< ----- Current Log --------------------------- >
2022-06-02T19:25:14.922Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (WebSocketClient.cpp:215:sendClose()) Send close to ::ffff: 1000
2022-06-02T19:25:17.004Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient()) New connection from ::ffff:
2022-06-02T19:25:17.312Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:122:handleInstanceSwitch()) Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
2022-06-02T19:25:17.861Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1090:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:
Hyperion System Summary Report (My Hyperion Config), Reported instance: unknown
< ----- System information -------------------- >
Hyperion Server:
- Build: (HEAD detached at 2.0.12) (GitHub-dc6aa4d/df14958-1637501177)
- Build time: Nov 21 2021 17:25:12
- Git Remote:
- Version: 2.0.12
- UI Lang: en (BrowserLang: en-US)
- UI Access: expert
- Avail Capt: dispmanx,v4l2,framebuffer,qt
- Config path: /root/.hyperion
- Database: read/write
Hyperion Server OS:
- Distribution: HyperBian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
- Architecture: arm
- CPU Model: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
- CPU Type: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
- CPU Revision: a020d3
- CPU Hardware: BCM2835
- Kernel: linux (5.10.63-v7+ (WS: 32))
- Root/Admin: true
- Qt Version: 5.15.2
- Python Version: 3.9.2
- Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0
< ----- Configured Instances ------------------ >
0: GPIO 18 Running: true
< ----- This instance's priorities ------------ >
240: VISIBLE! (V4L) Owner: V4L2
priorities_autoselect: true
< ----- This instance components' status ------->
ALL - true
GRABBER - false
V4L - true
< ----- This instance's configuration --------- >
{"backgroundEffect":{"color":[255,138,0],"effect":"Warm mood blobs","enable":false,"type":"effect"},"blackborderdetector":{"blurRemoveCnt":1,"borderFrameCnt":50,"enable":true,"maxInconsistentCnt":10,"mode":"default","threshold":5,"unknownFrameCnt":600},"boblightServer":{"enable":false,"port":19333,"priority":128},"color":{"channelAdjustment":[{"backlightColored":false,"backlightThreshold":0,"blue":[0,0,255],"brightness":100,"brightnessCompensation":100,"cyan":[0,255,255],"gammaBlue":2.2,"gammaGreen":2.2,"gammaRed":2.2,"green":[0,255,0],"id":"default","leds":"*","magenta":[255,0,255],"red":[255,0,0],"white":[255,255,255],"yellow":[255,255,0]}],"imageToLedMappingType":"multicolor_mean"},"device":{"colorOrder":"grb","dma":5,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":192,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":192,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"},"effects":{"disable":[""],"paths":["$ROOT/custom-effects"]},"flatbufServer":{"enable":true,"port":19400,"timeout":5},"foregroundEffect":{"color":[0,0,255],"duration_ms":3000,"effect":"Rainbow swirl fast","enable":true,"type":"effect"},"forwarder":{"enable":false,"flat":[],"json":[]},"framegrabber":{"cropBottom":0,"cropLeft":0,"cropRight":0,"cropTop":0,"device":"auto","enable":false,"fps":10,"height":45,"input":0,"pixelDecimation":8,"width":80},"general":{"configVersion":"2.0.12","name":"My Hyperion Config","previousVersion":"2.0.12","showOptHelp":true,"watchedVersionBranch":"Stable"},"grabberV4L2":{"available_devices":"USB Video: USB Video","blueSignalThreshold":0,"cecDetection":false,"cropBottom":0,"cropLeft":0,"cropRight":0,"cropTop":0,"device":"/dev/video0","device_inputs":"0","enable":true,"encoding":"MJPEG","flip":"NO_CHANGE","fps":10,"fpsSoftwareDecimation":0,"framerates":"10","greenSignalThreshold":100,"hardware_brightness":-11,"hardware_contrast":148,"hardware_hue":0,"hardware_saturation":180,"height":480,"input":0,"noSignalCounterThreshold":200,"redSignalThreshold":0,"resolutions":"0","sDHOffsetMax":0.46,"sDHOffsetMin":0.4,"sDVOffsetMax":0.9,"sDVOffsetMin":0.1,"signalDetection":false,"sizeDecimation":8,"standard":"NONE","width":640},"instCapture":{"systemEnable":false,"systemGrabberDevice":"NONE","systemPriority":250,"v4lEnable":true,"v4lGrabberDevice":"USB Video: USB Video","v4lPriority":240},"jsonServer":{"port":19444},"ledConfig":{"classic":{"bottom":63,"edgegap":0,"glength":0,"gpos":0,"hdepth":8,"left":34,"overlap":0,"pblh":0,"pblv":100,"pbrh":100,"pbrv":100,"position":99,"ptlh":0,"ptlv":0,"ptrh":100,"ptrv":0,"reverse":false,"right":33,"top":62,"vdepth":5},"ledBlacklist":[],"matrix":{"cabling":"snake","ledshoriz":1,"ledsvert":1,"start":"top-left"}},"leds":[{"hmax":0.9365,"hmin":0.9206,"vmax":1,"vmin":0.92},
I have made a fresh installation on my SSD card to update hyperion and put the same configurations and since that the LEDs don't work.
What has changed since post #69 / #71?
What you mean?
After i followed your steps the leds don’t (only the first led lighs up as you can see in the photo) work and I can not figured out why. Everything it’s ok i have check it several times.
So I have plug in green wire to gpio18 on the pi and white wire in ground on the pi as well then I have connected at the leds. Green and white
Please check below i you could see what is wrong
hello again,
i have instaled to hyperion to version 2.0.12 stable in order to use with my old leds WS2812 but the leds wont work.
buut when i put the code
For ws281x PWM (attached to GPIO-18):
sudo systemctl disable --now hyperiond@pi
sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root -
So I need replace the GPI 18(green wire in ws2812) to GPI 10 (green wire as well in sk9822?) And the white/black wire for ground as well in sk9822??
How can I do this" then, add a second GPIO at clk GPIO11 for CI" ( what it means CI?? Clock input??))
I need to add a new instance gpio 11? And need to connect the yellow wire( clock signal input)
Can someone have a tutorial how to do the configuration for sk9822 like the tutorial how to do it for ws2812 that we find in YouTube??
Thanks advanced
i have change my leds to SK9822 but the leds dont work.
I have instaled the latest version o hyperion (2.0.12 stable) . I have before the leds ws2812 as you can see on image on top.
So i have changed the controler type to SK9822 but the leds dont work.
Can someone help me please
I will change my LEDs (ws2812) to SK9822, so my question is if I only need to change in Hyperion on the window led controller -- controller type change to sk9822 right?.
Ps if you have some extra advises please go aahead.
If can someone help me to found some corner connectors that works with this led strip (SK9822 60leds/m - 12mm) I will be appreciated ?
Someone can help me?
- Hello again.
So I need to replace my LEDs in my project What you suggested apa102 or sk9822?? Or you have another suggestion.
Thanks in advanced
- Hello again.
Hello again.
So I need to replace my LEDs in my project What you suggested apa102 or sk9822?? Or you have another suggestion.
Thanks in advanced