Beiträge von vmazmaz

    I have the same problem. The fix I found was to modify the source code of WLED (which I'm using together with Hyperion) such that the LED lights up only if the value of the LED is greater than a threshold. It is however not optimal since it only shifts the problem and I still get flickers the values of the LED are around the treshold value.

    Zum Flackern Problem : die einzige Lösung die ich bisher gefunden habe, war den WLED Code zu ändern damit die LED nur leuchten wenn die kombinierten Werte von rot, grün und gelb höher als 10 sind. Die Funktion kann man in udp.cpp finden und heißt setRealtimePixel.

    Hallo zusammen,

    An die Leute die SK6812-RGBNW Streifen verwenden, was habt ihr unter Auto-calculate white channel from RGB in den WLED Einstellungen gewählt ? Bin mit weder mit Dual (hell aber Farben wirken etwas blass) noch Accurate (manchmal nicht hell genug) ganz zufrieden .

    Danke im Voraus !


    I am using a SK6812 RGB-Neutral White together with WLED and I was wondering what the recommanded setting was for auto-calculating the white channel from RGB when using Hyperion ? The different options are Accurate, Brighter , Dual, None and Legacy.

    Thanks !

    Thanks for taking the time to answer. I tried your suggestion but it does no accomplish exactly what I'm looking for, it seems the backlight threshold forces a minimum brightness, which means that during pitch black scenes, the LEDs are lit. I should mention that I'm using the Android grabber so I'm not sure if the signal detection settings apply.


    I am very much enjoying my Hyperion installation so I just want to preface that this is only a minor issue. What happens is that in very dark scenes, the LEDs tend to flicker. My guess is that it results from the LED switching between off and the lowest brightness setting. Is it a hardware problem or is it a limitation of the WS2812 ? Would there be an option in the settings that turns off the LED if brightness is less than say 5% ?

    Thanks !


    I was wondering if Hyperion supports two USB HDMI grabbers (type Rullz with loop out) plugged in simultaneously ? I don´t have an AV receiver nor an HDMI out on my TV and so I would like to avoid using an HDMI switch that would require changing manually the source everytime. Since these grabbers are quite cheap, it would be the better option in my case.

    Thanks !