Hi Guys,
unfortunately my long lasting friend, a 2017 OSMC Hypercon installation, died yesterday.
SD Card with OSMC and Hypercon got corrupted. After a new installation of same software - flickering of top and side Leds (only lower half, change brightness and color)
No Problem when using internal grabber. I guess the external grabber maybe broken (shows some white black noise waves in screenshot).
It looks like that the chip of a new Logilink grabber is different and doesn't work anymore with Hypercon.
Question: Is there a alternatve for that with the same chip? If NO, what would be the easiest way to bring my ambilight back to life?
Used Hardware:
Ambilight: RPi 3b+, WS2801 LEDs, https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B08KFD4XGK?tag=hyperioforum-21&ie=UTF8&psc=1
, https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01G81ITZM?tag=hyperioforum-21&ie=UTF8&psc=1
, https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0013BXFLG?tag=hyperioforum-21
4K Tv, FireTvStick 4k, non 4k AVR, non 4k BluRay Player
At the moment the Splitter has a non 4k "lane" form the AVR to Input1 and the 4k to Input2. Output 1 goes to the tv and output 2 gets downscaled to 1080p60 and via the "HDMI to AV" to the LogiLink grabber.
Thank you in advance,