Beiträge von SRKNZCN

    arduino test failed because of i've ch34x chipset arduino and i cannot recompile kernel of tinkerOS for ch34x driver.

    how can i forward hyperion to other hyperion ? one hyperion will work on tinker board and other one works on rpi3. how can i forward tinker board's hyperion to rpi ?

    I've compiled from source code with "cmake -DENABLE_DISPMANX=OFF -DENABLE_SPIDEV=ON .." on my tinker board.

    I've connected led pins to SPI_MOSI (19) and SPI_CLK (23) pins on RPI and Tinker Board. And i'm using same configuration file on both boards. PI3 works correctly but on the Tinker Board, leds changing color randomly and i cannot control with hyperion-remote tool.

    Do you have any recommendation for tinker board ?


    I'm using rpi3 as home media player and lpd6803 addressable leds as ambilight back of tv.

    I've ordered an Asus Tinker Board yesterday. I've installed hyperion on my new board. but when i'm trying to start hyperiond, i'm getting error like:

    "hyperiond: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

    Is there any way to compile bcm library for tinker board or any way to run hyperion on tinker board ?