Beiträge von Ninja1283

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

    A few notes for anyone who stumbles across this in the future:

    x86 Debian has a different file structure than a pi.

    Your code:

    ExecStart = / usr / local / bin / hyperiond
    WorkingDirectory = / usr / local / share / hyperion / bin

    Translates to:


    for an x86 Debian machine. (I'm not sure why your code was injected with all the spaces, but they should also be removed.)


    The user should be hyperion (or whatever your local user is) The pi user is not default like on Raspberry units.

    There was a typo in the code to start the service:

    sudo systemctl starts hyperion.service

    Should be:

    sudo systemctl start hyperion.service

    So, my final code ended up looking like this:

    Thanks again!

    Sorry for the noob-ish question.

    I have previously installed Hyperion on an OG Raspi, but am in the process of moving to an x86 Debian machine for more processing power. I have installed from the deb file successfully on Debian 10, but am having difficulty starting the service / setting it up to start on boot. Previous installs on pis automatically installed the service and set it to start on boot, but it does not seem that this is the case with the Debian version. Can someone walk me through setting up the service after install?