From memory i had it working with both picas and a ps3 eyetoy camera.
I remember fiddling with some v4l tools to change the format and settings.
from then on it’s just another /dev/videoN device and Hyperion just worked
From memory i had it working with both picas and a ps3 eyetoy camera.
I remember fiddling with some v4l tools to change the format and settings.
from then on it’s just another /dev/videoN device and Hyperion just worked
Another option is e.131 sacn protocol.
This supports arbitrarily long led strings as it’s a multi frame protocol by design.
ESPixelstick can receive this (but only supports ws2812 style leds)
The form factor is cute - but no, there’s no electronic advantage to the usbasp
I don’t have any SPI addressable led strips so can’t test anything but can point you in the right direction here
It might already have support ? If not, it won’t be far off.
I notice there’s ws2801 support which is also SPI ?
The nano works wel too - use this sketch…ino/adalight/adalight.ino
Back to the SPI bus: if you haven’t done anything to stop the Pi core clock changing dynamically you will have problems
rate = deviceConfig.get("rate", 2857143).asInt();
Each ws2812 bit is sent using 4 SPI bits so the default rate will be 714kHz
Sounds like the core clock on your Pi isn’t fixed (which is a requirement for Hyperion)
I use force_turbo = 1 but there are probably nicer ways
Are you sure it’s 446 ?
What’s the device{} section of your config look like ?
The 20ms is probably the smoothing settings
No, not yet - someone would have to write a led device driver for it.
It seems kinda neat, but mostly wasted functionality if used with Hyperion.
Try type “file”
Are you sure it took effect ?
It sounds really similar to the issues I had.
Run this repeatedly to check that it is stable:
vcgencmd measure_clock core
Have you forced the core clock to be stable ?
I use force_turbo in config.txt to do it
Measure the voltage at the led strip.
Different colour leds have differing forward voltage requirements. Blue being the highest (about 3 ish volts)
Never got the time - in fact never took up the offer of a free device
You likely need to build from source.
I doubt the platform screen grabber will work - x11 night and a kodi addon night work.
- USB led device will be ok.
- most SPI based LEDs might be ok.
- WS2812 SPI will only work if the SPI supports long DMA transfers
- PWM ws2812 won’t work
Excellent !
Wiring issue is the usual cause.
How long is the strip ?
What OS are you running ?
A more obscure cause is the default maximum dma transfer size
Level shifter is required based on the data sheets.
With small short setups you’ll often get away with it but most meaningful setups have longer wires and need it.
I’ve had it running on linux/x86 sending ng to an esp.
I think the kodi addon becomes the grabber on x86 but I’ve never used it