Beiträge von georgk

    I could not found the reason why I can switch on but not off but I found another way which is also not bad. Every seconds I'm requesting the Kodi web server which player is running and if video or picture player ID is showing up, I switch hyperiond service on and if idle or audio playing, I switch hyperiond off. Additional benefit, it saves CPU if no hyperiond is needed (and I learned a lot). Python program takes <1% CPU (top).

    I want to stop/start latest with a python script. Start is working but not stop.

    LED_on = {"command":"componentstate","componentstate":{"component":"ALL","state":"true"}}

    LED_off = {"command":"componentstate","componentstate":{"component":"ALL","state":"false"}}

    response_LED ='', json=LED_on)

    response_LED ='', json=LED_off)

    System: Raspberry Pi4 with Raspberry OS Lite and Kodi 18.7, apa102, internal grabber
    N.B.: hyperion.control is also not working

    "In case you e.g. run rpi4 + Raspberry Pi OS with desktop you can use the Qt Grabber.
    Just start hyperiond with the "--desktop" option and you have the screen grabbed (see screenshot for your reference below)."

    Does this mean, that I could use Kodi 18.9/19.1 on such a system and the internal screen grabber?