Beiträge von feefn


    ahhh thanks friend! I'll await alpha 11 (or have a go at compiling with the bug fix you have linked to).

    Re: checking that the device running hyperion can reach the nanoleaf in the network - how might I do this sorry?

    Cheers much appreciated!

    Hi Team,

    I'm having some issues using Hyperion with a Nanoleaf Setup.

    I have managed to connect Hyperion to the Nanoleafs and am able to click 'identify' in the LED Controller tab and the Nanoleafs will flash green.

    <See Image 1>

    I have also set up the LED configuration to match the Nanoleaf setup (it's not quite perfect, but I'm happy enough as it is provided I can get it to work).

    <See Images 2 & 3>

    However, I am unable to get the Nanoleafs to interact with Hyperion other than clicking 'identify'. I have tried this with Hyperion Android Grabber (via the TV itself and my phone) which do not appear to work, but more than that I cannot even get a simple effect to run from the effects configurator (my understanding being that clicking 'Start Test' or 'Continous Test' should at the least get something to happen (nothing does)).

    <See Image 4>

    Sys Info Here:

    Log File to come in a comment.

    My concern is this line: 2021-09-16T07:47:09.539Z [hyperiond SSDPDISCOVER] (DEBUG) (SSDPDiscover.cpp:288:discoverServices()) Search target [ssdp:all], no record(s) matching [ST:nanoleaf:nl29|nanoleaf_aurora:light]

    I'm not sure why that is showing given I can 'Identify' the Nanoleafs though I do note that In Image 1 it does say No Devices Discovered.

    Does anyone else have any experience with this (potential) issue?

    Cheers and Thanks in advance team :)

    Log File