Beiträge von stinus

    Hyperion System Summary Report (Mijn Hyperion Conf), Reported instance: First LED Hardware instance

    < ----- System information -------------------- >

    Hyperion Server:

    - Build: (HEAD detached at 2.0.0-alpha.10) (Paulchen-Panther-975f969/b1a4e95-1626550299)

    - Build time: Jul 17 2021 21:50:25

    - Git Remote:

    - Version: 2.0.0-alpha.10

    - UI Lang: nl (BrowserLang: nl-BE)

    - UI Access: expert

    - Avail Capt: dispmanx,v4l2,framebuffer,qt

    - Database: read/write

    Hyperion Server OS:

    - Distribution: HyperBian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

    - Architecture: arm

    - CPU Model: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)

    - CPU Type: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1

    - CPU Revision: c03111

    - CPU Hardware: BCM2711

    - Kernel: linux (5.10.17-v7l+ (WS: 32))

    - Qt Version: 5.11.3

    - Python Version: 3.7.3

    - Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36

    < ----- Configured Instances ------------------ >

    0: First LED Hardware instance Running: true

    1: GPIO18 Running: true

    < ----- This instance's priorities ------------ >

    240: VISIBLE! (V4L) Owner: V4L2

    priorities_autoselect: true

    < ----- This instance components' status ------->

    ALL - true

    SMOOTHING - true

    BLACKBORDER - true

    FORWARDER - false


    GRABBER - false

    V4L - true

    LEDDEVICE - false

    is dit voldoende ?

    alvast bedankt om te antwoorden en ik ga nu de rest van je voorstellen proberen aanpasssen.

    ik ben gisteren aan mijn eerste poging begonnen om een ledstrip met hyperion te maken.

    hyperbian image geinstalleerd op een raspberry pi4 4gb en dit is vlotjes verlopen.

    ik gebruik als capture een webcam omdat ik op 120hz switchen en capture cards wacht voor de ps5 en xbox series x.

    staat ingesteld als ws218x

    om de ledstrip te testen voor ik hem aan de tv bevestig heb ik hem als 300led ingegeven met 100 100 50 50 als gemak voor de boven onder en zijkanten.

    ik werk met een afgeknipte usb-c die die power geeft aan de raspberry pi gedeeld met de 5v leicke 10A 50W adapter (model nt30538 ) en de leds.

    de pi werkt er prima mee, gpio zou geen common ground moeten hebben omdat ik de pi met de usb voeding van stroom voorzie en niet met de pads op de pi.( ik heb ook ff een common ground kabel getest zonder succes )

    ik krijg echter geen enkel lampje aan de praat wat ik ook probeer...

    uiteraard zit ik op pin 18.

    hierbij de loggegevens.

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.449Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'GPIO18' has been started

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.562Z [hyperiond CEC] (INFO) Auto detecting CEC adapter

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.562Z [hyperiond CEC] (INFO) CEC Adapter:

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.562Z [hyperiond CEC] (INFO) Name : RPI

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.562Z [hyperiond CEC] (INFO) Path : Raspberry Pi

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.711Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:220:setInput()) Priority 254 is now active

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.711Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:374:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 254

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.711Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:559:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) priority[254], previousPriority[255]

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.711Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:569:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) new source available -> switch LED-Device on

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.721Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:271:setInputImage()) Priority 1 is now active

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.722Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:374:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 1

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.722Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:559:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) priority[1], previousPriority[254]

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.723Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (BGEffectHandler.h:91:handlePriorityUpdate()) Stop background (color-) effect as it moved out of scope

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.723Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:292:clearInput()) Removed source priority 254

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.727Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:271:setInputImage()) Priority 1 is now active

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.727Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (BGEffectHandler.h:91:handlePriorityUpdate()) Stop background (color-) effect as it moved out of scope

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.727Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:292:clearInput()) Removed source priority 254

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.727Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.728Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:181:runEffectScript()) Start the effect: name [Warm mood blobs], smoothCfg [2]

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.728Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:165:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 254 as inactive

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.728Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (INFO) Initial background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.728Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:374:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 1

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.729Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:559:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) priority[1], previousPriority[255]

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.729Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:569:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) new source available -> switch LED-Device on

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.729Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (BGEffectHandler.h:91:handlePriorityUpdate()) Stop background (color-) effect as it moved out of scope

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.730Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:292:clearInput()) Removed source priority 254

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.747Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) effect finished

    2021-09-16T16:46:06.830Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) effect finished

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.439Z [hyperiond FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.440Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:33:initServer()) Initialize Webserver

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.439Z [hyperiond PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.442Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:33:initServer()) Initialize Webserver

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.455Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:91:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.455Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:109:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.456Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 8090 name 'Hyperion Webserver'

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.458Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:91:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.460Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:109:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.835Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:175:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup SSL certificate

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.836Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:191:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup private SSL key

    2021-09-16T16:46:07.836Z [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 8092 name 'Hyperion Webserver'

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.160Z [hyperiond CEC] (INFO) CEC Handler initialized with adapter : RPI

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.459Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient()) New connection from ::ffff:

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.459Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:122:handleInstanceSwitch()) Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.479Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:271:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now active

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.479Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) Previous line repeats 1 times

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.479Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:271:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now active

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.701Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:122:handleInstanceSwitch()) Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 1

    2021-09-16T16:46:08.766Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1058:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.665Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) effect finished

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.676Z [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) effect finished

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.685Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:337:setCurrentTime()) Timeout clear for priority 1

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.685Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:337:setCurrentTime()) Timeout clear for priority 1

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.685Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:374:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 240

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.685Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:374:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 240

    2021-09-16T16:46:09.686Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:559:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) priority[240], previousPriority[1]

    2021-09-16T16:46:10.033Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1067:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff:

    2021-09-16T16:46:10.034Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1058:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: