Beiträge von torli

    I was encounter few errors, when trying to compile for Wemos D1 Mini. I was using:

    Arduino IDE 1.8.19

    esp8266 v.3.0.2

    ArduinoThread 2.1.1

    ArduinoJSON 6.18.5

    LinkedList 1.3.2

    FastLED 3.4.0

    To resolve problem with compilation I must do two changes.

    1. File BaseHeader.h

    add line:

    #undef min(a.b)

    right before #endif

    2. File ConfigStructures.h

    right before the line:

    #include <FastLED.h>

    add line:


    With this two modification I was able to compile and upload the code to Wemos D1 Mini.