Posts by DrEndAll

    I have formatted an sd card and then put the HyperBian image/program onto the sd card. I put the sd card into the RaspberryPi3 and it started to run/boot up. I changed the ssh password and now its back on the 'code' page -- it says "pi@HyperBian:~ $"

    What do I do now???

    Help plz?!!!

    Hey Hyperion 'users',

    I have a question(s).... 1st - I had a friend help me/do this for me! I had a RP2, running Kodi and all the awesome things that it can do, 2801 leds, a power block and Hyperion running the lights PERFECTLY! (I am a paying customer of the Hyperion App on iPhone/Apple application) I moved the tv and RP2 to a place in my home where I couldn't run a data cable to the Pi. I had a RP3 laying around so I put the sd card from the RP2 into the RP3 and the leds do not work like they did! I am a novice (at best) with using the RP and the Hyperion program. I have the newest Kodi version running on the RP3 and the Diggz Xenon loaded onto a new sd card. Everything is working flawlessly! If I put the old RP2 sd card into the RP3 it won't run the led lights. The leds light up but I cant control them thru my app and they don't respond to the screen, they are just always lit up. Can anyone help me get my leds back up and running properly (like they were-reading the screen, working thru the app)?!?! One more question, I have done a little looking around the internet and am wondering if I NEED a grabber and/or splitter?? (My old 'system' didn't require an hdmi splitter, a usb grabber or anything like that. It ran perfectly with just the leds, the RP2 with Hyperion program, a power block and the necessary wires from the leds to the proper terminals into the Pi.) Can anyone help me please!!??


    Really novice user - Chris

    ...and - the old RP2 was running Linux OpenElec, the new/current RP3 is running OSMC. I am not sure if this matters or helps for anyone attempting to help me out?

    Thanks Again