Posts by akgDJ

    Thank you very much for your answer, I didn't even knew that there was an App for TV. Since you send the information of the screen to the PC isn't there a quite big latency, between the picture on the TV and the LEDs? Or isn't it really noticeable?


    I am new to hyperion, I was browsing a little bit the forum and I couldn't find a answer to my question so I am opening this thread.

    My question is, is it possible to use hyperion on my smart TV? I know you need a capture card, but I don't want to use an external device for it to work with, I want it to work with my smart TV OS.

    My second question

    Is it even smart to use ambilight on an OLED? Since the backside of my OLED is really thin and out of metal (I assume for passiv cooling), could the extra heat coming from the led strip harm the TV?

    Thank you in advance :)