Yes you can, but I would recommend switch libreelec to OSMC since they have an package manager
Posts by manhmz
Remember, RPI3 have three modes: FKMS, KMS and Legacy.
Disabled kms (legacy) driver only work till Kodi 18.9 though, newer Kodi required fkms or kms driver. And DispmanX - Hyperion screen capture is based on fkms, I would suggest follow my tutorial with newer Kodi 19.5 and latest kernel for security fix.
For the audio, fkms is not detecting HDMI Audio driver that's why I included an tutorial to add HDMI audio and it should work normally.
In Debian 11 Bullseye & Kodi 19+, you would need to use fkms for Hyperion to capture the screen. However switching to fkms rendered the audio from HDMI undetectable, I would recommend a fresh install of the latest OSMC image.
Here is the way to use Hyperion + Kodi on Bullseye:
Install Hyperion:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gpg -y
wget -qO- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hyperion.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol alsa-utils hyperion -y
If you use WS281x LED you will need root, use this command: sudo updateHyperionUser -u root
1. Add snd-bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=1 to /boot/cmdline.txt
2. Add to /boot/config-user.txt:
3. In /boot/config.txt change vc4-kms-v3d to vc4-fkms-v3d
4. Add bcm2835_alsa cards.bcm2835 to /usr/share/alsa/cards/aliases.conf
5. Create "$HOME/.asoundrc" with the following content :
Display Morepcm.mythtv { @args [ CARD AES0 AES1 AES2 AES3 ] @args.CARD { type string } @args.AES0 { type integer } @args.AES1 { type integer } @args.AES2 { type integer } @args.AES3 { type integer } type hooks slave.pcm { type hw card "0" device 1 } hooks.0 { type ctl_elems hook_args [ { interface PCM name "IEC958 Playback Default" lock true preserve true value [ $AES0 $AES1 $AES2 $AES3 ] } ] } }
6. Create "/usr/share/alsa/cards/bcm2835.conf" with the following content:
Display More# # Configuration for the bcm2835 soc found on RPi # <confdir:pcm/iec958.conf> bcm2835.pcm.iec958.0 { @args [ CARD AES0 AES1 AES2 AES3 ] @args.CARD { type string } @args.AES0 { type integer } @args.AES1 { type integer } @args.AES2 { type integer } @args.AES3 { type integer } type hooks slave.pcm { type hw card $CARD device 1 } hooks.0 { type ctl_elems hook_args [ { interface PCM name "IEC958 Playback Default" lock true preserve true value [ $AES0 $AES1 $AES2 $AES3 ] } ] } }
7. Reboot, DispmanX will now show up in Hyperion and able to capture Kodi screen, Kodi now work with HDMI Audio with the capability to passthrough same as KMS.