Posts by migueldebadia
Is there any way to activate the LED I want with the specific brightness and color?
I have color problems, I can't get white and I don't know if it's because of the configuration or because the LED strip is bad.
I try to test.
Thanks a lot.
Any splitter preference?
Good evening,
My name is Miguel Ángel, and I’d like to share a problem I’m experiencing where I feel a bit lost.
I have a Marantz AV 7013 with dual monitor outputs, a Raspberry Pi 3, and LED control via PWM. The connection to my Panasonic TV is through one of the two HDMI monitor outputs on the Marantz.
--> Monitor 1 (ARC) directly to the TV
--> Monitor 2 to the input of the Raspberry Pi capture card.
Additionally, I have several devices connected to the Marantz: PS5, Blu-ray player, Nintendo Switch, and Firestick 4K. All the inputs work perfectly, except for the Firestick. However, if I connect the Firestick to an external splitter, it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the issue?
Buenas noches,
Me llamo Miguel Ángel, quisiera compartir con vosotros y un problema que estoy teniedno y voy un poco perdido.
Tengo un Marantz AV 7013 con doble salida monitor, una raspberry pi 3 y los leds a traves de PWM. La conexión con el Televisor Panasonic es desde una de las salidas de los dos monitores HDMI out que tiene el marantz.
-->Monitor 1(ARC) directo a TV
-->Monitor 2 a la entrada de la capturadora de la Raspberry Pi.
Adicionalmente tengo varias entradas al marantz de PS5,reproducto Bluray, Nintendo Switch y la Firestick 4K
Todas las entradas menos la firestick funcionan perfectamente, si coloco la firestick en un spliter externo tambien funciona.¿alguna idea de cual puede ser el error?