Posts by ingbrzy
OK fixed it..
HTR-4068 has only one HDMI IN with HDCP support and STB was there plugged in.. STB does not need HDCP..
so switched HDMI IN cables from STB to SHIELD and it magically started to work correctly..
just one point.. CEC does not work..
I guess connection of PIN 13 from HDMI IN to PIN 13 of HDMI OUT in Video Grabber will solve it..
This one seems to be OK
DC12V LC8816E SK6812 RGBW Individually Addressable Led
DC12V LC8816E SK6812 RGBW Individually Addressable Led Strip 5050SMD 60/120Leds/m RGBWW 4 IN 1 Smart Led Lights IP30 65 67 - AliExpress 39Smarter Shopping, Better Living! -
Thank you for pointing our 3 LEDs in group..
this LED strip seems to have individual LEDs controlled..
but in the description it says:
IC Type : SK6812
LED/per meter:60leds/Meter (each LED is separately controlled)
IC introduction: DC12V:1 IC drives 3 led chip
so I am little bit confused if 1 LED can be controlled or group of 3 LEDs..
I have chosen 12V led strip to not have 5V/20A power source but just 12V/10A which I already have from old laptop..
RPi 5 is already running Home Assistant and it is powered by original Raspberry power source..
sharing GND between 5V and 12V should be safe as I know..