Beiträge von HalbesHaehnchen

    Uhmm sorry I have no clue whats wrong. Its probably driver related I would say. I am using the STK grabber though. Someone with linux knowledge may be able to help.
    I use Jessies Full version, not sure if that makes a diffrence.

    Latest update fixed the problem for me. Thank you!
    My solution to get the backlight I want was pretty simple :D raise the brightness of the captured picture. I did not want "full black" to emit light, but still darker colors to get noticed by hyperion.

    These are my current settings

    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=chroma_agc=0
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=chroma_gain=65
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=saturation=60
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=brightness=172
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=contrast=80

    Thx for the quick replies.
    Yes, I know how this feature works, more or less:D. And I wouldnt even notice it on movies/TV, it's just noticeable on desktop environment and games with some kind of menus or loading screens or whatever.

    The thing I wonder about is that sometimes colors get stuck for a long time and then, the other second, they fade out correctly (on same settings).

    Blackborder detection is deactivaed/removed from config file. It is just my crappy cam trying to handle the light environment that makes it looks like it.
    Min luminance is on 0, I handle the backlight settings directly with v4l2 values.

    Anyone noticed stuck colors? It has something to do with the "smoothing" part. If its disabled all is fine as far as I can tell.
    Also shorter times help. The time the color is stuck can be 0 or 10 seconds and more. Its random.


    uhmm as for the "flickering / flash" effect I had similar problems with some grabbers. It is indeed very annoying, especially on desktop environment. I am using Jessie Full version. It might be a driver problem but I have no clue about Linux :D
    I am using the pi2 with apa102 stripes and a 4K converter on NTSC (since my resolution is above 1080p I have to use it)

    You could check v4l2 values

    v4l2-ctl -list-ctrls

    If you cant fix it with them it might be a hardware problem, either the grabber or the converter. You could check it with your windows machine, so you can see your cloned image on your own desktop.

    I am using the STK grabber without problems (without USB hub). It offered me the best quality and its all stable. Only thing you get is "frame to small" error from time to time when you take screenshots. But thats only annyoing at the "Setup" phase.
    Tested several grabbers (fushicai, stk, Empia chipset and Pinnacle Dazzle, whatever chipset it has xD )
    Its either fushicai or STK I would say.

    My STK is the "mumbi" one from amazon.

    Would be helpful if Hypercon could access some of the v4l2 values. For me it helped a lot to disable chroma thingy. If hyperion does not get a decent source picture you can hardly fix it with the color corrections.

    Chroma thingy on

    And off

    Hatte 266 LEDs (apa102 ob c oder nicht weiß ich nicht) an 21 Ampere hängen und sobald es zu hell wurde schmiert zb. der Splitter ab. Allerdings hängt auch alles Andere mit an dem Netzteil und wenn man mit der Helligkeit / Sättigung runter geht ist es kein Thema mehr.

    Was bei mir noch Probleme gemacht hat waren zu lange Kabel zu den zwei Daten Leitungen. Mir hat da ein Levelshifter geholfen.

    Yup I think sharing a whole config isnt useful at all :D You have to change values a lot to get a matching white right?
    Maybe some experimentation with neutral grey wall color instead of white could bring some scuccess. It works on cinema/projector screens. But who wants a grey wall :/

    Gut das klingt logisch, hast wahrscheinlich wie ich ein eher kaltes oder zumindest neutrales Weiß eingestellt. Wenn du dann überdrehst kommt rot mit rein.

    Hmm dann bin ich mit meinem Halbwissen auch am Ende :D Klingt für mich als wären deine LEDs schon am Limit aber wenn du sagst es geht mit der app, weiß nicht :confused: