Posts by BioHaZard1

    Well, mine comes tomorrow!

    The 1080p downscaled signal is in HDR or SDR? I would like to know if the ezcoo also convert HDR to SDR. Because If not, the grabber capture too washed out image.

    I can upload a capture from the video grabber and a picture of my tv (taken from my phone) to give you an idea of what it looks like. Obviously, it won't be a perfect comparison.

    Excellent and the colors seems similar in hdr and the light strip?

    Unfortunately, I don't have my light strip connected yet. I'm in the process of rebuilding my setup. If I have time tomorrow I'll connect power and check it out.

    are you using a reship or how are you shipping to europe (still europe ;) )

    I ordered from eBay, found a seller who ships who ships to Europe. It cost £91 with all shipping and taxes included. :)

    I contacted EZCOO support to verify HDMI version and HDR compatibility.

    Their response:


    It supports HDMI 2.0b, HDMI 4K 60Hz 4:4:4 8bit HDR Dolby Vision & 4K 60Hz 4:2:2 10bit HDR10, HDR Dolby Vision.

    I thought it was really impressive that it has HDMI 2.0b and supports all HDR formats including Dolby Vision.

    I saw this too be couldn't find a distributor anywhere in Europe unfortunately. However, I did find a store selling the scaler for £46.98, with a discount code it's less than half the price than

    Edit: I did find them on eBay but they were $89 + $20 shipping and I'd imagine they will be hit by an import tax too.

    Edit 2: Apparently, with shipping and import charge they are around £91.


    Wasnt my question but I found the device that downscales the image and its "quite" cheap compared to the HDFury products.


    HDFury told me that they may add support for dolby vision stripping but till then this is the best way I guess and with a Revesun splitter you ain't having the hdcp troubles.

    Oh, my bad, I misread the question. I wanted to go with HDFury but I couldn't justify the price for what I need it for. £300 is insane for a splitter/scaler. Especially, considering they are cheaper alternatives. If its the Revesun I'm thinking of it only outputs at 30Hz. For most people, this is fine as most video content doesn't exceed 30fps.

    The error doesn't occure anymore. It was my fault - because i tried to connect to a normal installation of hyperion.
    Since i upgraded to, it is possible to establish the connection from my tablet.

    But now i've got another problem. When i use the app on my Bravia-TV, it isn't possible to create an entry because you don't see the input fileds. If i try to create a new entry via the network scanner, sadly the found client could not be saved.

    Is it because the tv is not rooted?

    Strange, no the app doesn't require root at all. Do you see a zeroconf device at the top of the main screen?

    It should look like this box at the top of this screenshot

    Thanks for your work.
    I got an issue (force close) when i try to use calibration :
    i use latest hyperion-ng build and connected with port 19444.
    I enabled debug but i can't found app folder under android/data for logs ?

    The logs should be stored in root/data/data/uk.hyperion.manager/hyperion/log.txt, you can also open the navigation drawer and press log Debug. Exceptions are usually highlighted in red. I did fix a few bugs which resulted in a force close, I'll upload another build within the next day or two. I may have also fixed the initial connection issue, at least I cannot reproduce it anymore.

    Hi @BioHaZard1 , any intentions to make the source code publicly available?

    Sure, they'll be available, not sure when though. I still have a lot to do. Anything specifically you need them for?

    Weird, a Galaxy A5 2017

    Yes, the overall switch. Is maybe even better than the clearall command that you currently have at the top. You can place "clear this app prio" besides (if people miss it)

    Will check your update soon!

    Strange, I don't have any Samsung devices so it's hard for me to test, all my devices are Nexus. I did manage to try it on a Samsung Galaxy S5, S7 and S8 and it seems to work fine. I'll look into it, could you try with this app:…k.servicebrowser&hl=en_GB This is the guy who developed the library I'm using for zero-conf.

    Okay, I've done that. :)

    No problem, happy to hear your feedback

    - I had a feeling that would happen, zero-conf isn't great on Android unfortunately. Which phone are you using? I know this has some issues with Samsung devices but I thought I fixed it
    - I forgot to disable that section, as you can tell the SSH/Setup Wizard isn't finished anyway. The whole purpose of this was to enable the user to install Hyperion without the need of a computer or screen. I use mine headless so this would make the process much easier.
    - There is actually a zero-conf scan on startup, well it starts and continues to run. If it finds a device it will add it above saved devices. If you look at this screen capture below, the zero-conf device is the one at the top. I should really add a message up there e.g. "No zero-conf devices found"
    - Do you mean an option to turn Hyperion on/off?


    Thanks for the feedback.

    Edit: Fixed 2 force closes on the Calibration fragment.

    @BioHaZard1 Any change of alpha / beta APK package or not ready for that yet? :)

    Really missing my remote with for testing and what not so would be great if we have something for Android again.

    Sure, I'll upload one as soon as I can. There are a few bugs, nothing major really:
    - Occasionally on the first launch, my app will refuse to initiate a connection with Hyperion, resulting in a constant spinning circle. Just kill the app and open it again and it will work. It's something to do with the new code I added to receive commands from Hyperion.
    - Sometimes I get a force close, it usually only happens when you're viewing a list (RecyclerView). It's a known Android bug (indexoutofboundsexception)

    Those are the main ones I can think of. Of course, it isn't finished yet so sections might not be complete or look right just yet. Most of the Hyperion side is working though, just a few minor bugs here and there.