Beiträge von Hamid

    It should work but max speed might suffer.

    I'm also curious about the board too - can you post a link ?

    If there's no SPI breakout then de-bricking it will be tricky

    It's cheap, I wouldnt de-brick I'd just throw it away, I bought several more;

    MOSI+MISO are pins 10 and 11, which you can see from one of their images are not connected.

    Then try fastled examples. If you get it work, then adalight script will work to

    Apologies, perhaps I wasn't clear; It is working correctly, but the update speed is slightly lagged behind the screen updates (~200-300ms by my guess). I was wondering if hardware SPI would improve the update rate.

    I have the Serial BAUD set to 1,500,000 between hyperion server and the arduino, the smoothing set to 80ms and I am using hyperion-x11 on 2x4K displays with the right hand display cropped off (--right-crop 3840).

    Is it already running as well as I can expect or should it update faster?

    @Rick164 I added the script to hyperion already ... thats the same script I suggested above:…ino/adalight/adalight.ino

    I recently added latest devices to the sketch. (including apa102)

    Does using an Arduino without hardware SPI affect the performance? I'#m using an Leonardo compatible and they didn't break out the SPI pins.

    I need to decide whether to buy a different board for faster updates or if this interface isn't affecting it.

    Hi all,

    I just bought some APA102 strips. I'd like to set up ambient lighting for my monitor and Linux PC gaming. I have various arduinos and I'd like to connect the strips to an Arduino which I'll plug in via USB for the lighting.

    Reading around there is a lot of outdated info and none of the sketches I've seen mention the APA102 directly.

    Can anybody not just link, but please give a brief explanation of what the Arduino sketch needs to be doing?

    I assume it must implement the FastSPI library but what is the protocol for the communication with Hyperion over USB?
