Beiträge von Lord-Grey


    thanks for sharing the details of your system and the log.

    I assume that the script requires to be updated to work with python2 which is part of libreelec 9.2.8.

    LibereElec 10+ make use of python3 and the script works.

    I need to check this out....

    You need to provide more details...
    How is your rpi connected to the network?

    Did you change the user while burning the image?

    Have you validated that Hyperion is running?

    See here the latest HyperBian install instructions.

    Note: the page was updated yesterday....

    The behaviour is caused by a glib error when FireFox registers itself as a default browser.

    The Mimetype for the html page is wrongly resolved why then the Hyperion page display fails.

    See here for more details.

    As a workaround you can execute the following to correct the wrong records.

    The first command just renames the problematic that you could fall back...

    mv ~/.local/share/mime/packages/user-extension-html.xml ~/.local/share/mime/packages/user-extension-html.xml.bak
    update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime

    Good you found a solution.

    Nevertheless, I want to outline where the issue with the previous layout is.

    You configured a layout for a full-screen while running LEDs half screen.

    That you also see at the bottom left where red is shown even if it is at bottom right of the screen.

    You would need to map the left half of you screen to the left strip (without blacklisted LEDs), then add blacklisted LEDs.

    Do the same for the right half and the combine both.

    Ich habe bisher nur mit einer DIYHue Bridge im Docker getestet.

    Mit welchen Parametern und Ports hast Du denn die jeweiligen Dockerimages gestartet?

    Dann könnte ich das Verhalten mal nachvollziehen…

    Kannst Du schauen, ob in der Antwort zum Discovery Request noch in oder zwei DIYHue Bridges enthalten sind? Ggf. Ist es nur ein Anzeigeproblem im Wizard.

    Wahrscheinlich musst Du die Anzahl der Verbindungsversuche erhöhen bzw. die Zeitspanne zwischen den Versuchen erhöhen.

    Was sagt denn das log? Das die maximale Anzahl der Retries erreicht wurde?

    Du hast ja auf jeden Fall eine Menge Komponenten, die auf den D1 warten müssen und die Abhängigkeit ist nicht direkt zwischen Hyperion und D1 sondern:

    DIYHue wartet auf D1, Hyperion wartet auf DIYHue.

    Alternativ könntest Du den D1 auch mit WLED betreiben und damit jede einzelne LED ansteuern und direkt integrieren.

    Allerdings verhält sich der Strip nicht mehr wie ein Gradientlight und ist nicht in der Hue App.

    Kommt also darauf an zu verstehen, warum Du den D1 über DiYHue betreiben willst.

    You Grabber seems to have a problem, as it disconnects from the system.

    That results that WLED turns off.

    2024-02-18T16:11:34.795Z [V4L2] (ERROR) Throws error nr: VIDIOC_DQBUF error code 19, No such device2024-02-18T16:11:34.797Z [V4L2] (ERROR) VIDIOC_STREAMOFF error code 19, No such device

    Install the latest version

    Log on to LibreELEC via SSH and execute the following command:

    curl -sSL | bash

    Update to the latest version

    1) Log on to LibreELEC via SSH and remove the current version via following command:

    curl -sSL | bash -s -- --remove

    2) Install the latest version, see above.

    Note: Your configuration database will not be deleted.

    Nevertheless, it is advised to export the configuration as a backup.

    Looks like you configured it that way that you feed both monitors with the same priority, why the image always flits between monitors.

    not sure, if you can configure via screencapture one big screen.


    I noticed in the actual HYPERION program on the PC, i can select "QT" and "ALL DISPLAYS", is there a way to send that information to the raspberry PI hyperion to drive the LEDs?

    You can capture with the Qt Grapper both Screens as one and then you would use Hyperion Forwarder to send the image to the Hyperion on the rpi. You activate the Forwarder via the network Settings.

    Alternatively, you connect your LEDs to Windows e.g. via WLED to save the extra hop.

    Edit: You can also use the standalone hyperion-qt.exe to capture the screens and send directly to Hyperion rpi.

    Then you do not need the forwarding.