That Skydimo feature has not been released yet. You would need to make use of a nightly build
Posts by Lord-Grey
Now I got what is wrong.
You are using the standard Adalight protocol, not the Skydimo one.
See the screenshot of the PR how the development version looks like
Skydimo LedDevice support by Lord-Grey · Pull Request #1765 · hyperion-project/hyperion.ngSummary Support for Skydimo devices (being an Adalight variant) What kind of change does this PR introduce? (check at least one) Bugfix Feature Code…github.comI will create an own device type going forward…
In a different thread here, the LED number was 72 and not 71 for the 34‘‘ strip.
Does that make a change?
350D I suppose you build Hyperion yourself?
The directory structure referred to is the code base. If the additional files are put in and the a build is done they will be included in the executable and made available by the url stated.
Just putting those files somewhere in the directory tree for a ready made build will not work.
Have you tried the color calibration wizard (magic wand at the top right screen) too? Might be an option to have it extended and by that make things generally available.
Normalerweise werden die Services per Skript angelegt. (mit den Schritten einer uralten Anleitung, machst Du ggf. eher was kaputt).
Falls die Services nicht angelegt wurden, siehe hier: https://docs.hyperion-project.…ted.html#create-a-service
Dort steht auch wie Du den Status überprüfen kannst.
Du brauchst auf jeden Fall eine Leuchte, die mit der Hue Bridge arbeitet.
Eine Leuchte nur über Bluetooth zu steuern geht nicht.
Wie hast Du denn Hyperion installiert?
Installiere über das Easy-Install Script:
Das Funktioniert.
Leg eine neue Instanz in Hyperion an, starte sie und benutze den Hue Wizard um Dein Setup einzurichten.
Du solltest aber vorher per Hue App noch einen Entertainment-Bereich einrichten.
iCeMan187 Verwende mal das richtige Installationsscript:
-> Linux -> Easy Install
Sorry, I am currently travelling…
Do a hyperiond —help and check for the options.
You might want to re-read my last sentence
I owe you a pint
If that is too difficult, we also happy with donations
You could configure e.g. at home? and/or export and import a config file.
With the new nightly version, you can even export and import from the commandline non.
There is no „group“ element in Hyperion.
So just enter this...
sudo updateHyperionUser
... at the command promt on the Hyperbian page that I show above?Yes.
As you have chosen your own user and not went with the default one, did you update the service as per documentation?
I suggest you follow the documentation outlining how to do without ssh.
The export issue from the UI is a bug.
Thanks for highlighting!
I did try the config exporter when I first discovered this issue, and it gives an error of invalid params when i try it.
I was referring to export/import without the UI, I.e. via the command line.
I can do a little write-up, if I am not at my mobile.
Thanks for sharing the problem.
I will have a look at that one too.
It is good to see those findings before we do a release.
However, disabling the effects does allow me to stop/start hyperiond as root.
Thanks for confirming that disabling effects helps and provides you with a workaround.
That „proves“ that your issue is related to Python 3.12.