Beiträge von Lord-Grey

    This does appear to be a bug IMHO.
    I also dare to ask whether having to provide the total LED number in two places isn't somewhat redundant. Shouldn't the number of LEDs set in the layout suffice? At least when the number set in the layout exceeds the "total LED count" shouldn't the greater of the two be used?

    You can configure the HW LED number and the LED-Layout. Currently, the bigger number is used to set the number of LEDs for processing.
    Sometime there is a problem and you might need restarting Hyperion to have it right.

    "shouldn't the greater of the two be used"
    I personally am not in favor of just taking the bigger number (as per today), as it causes different problems, if you look at it holistically.
    I would like to have the Hardware LED number configured first and then the layout should be configured within that physical boundary.
    For some devices it is a problem when the layout is bigger than what the hardware supports...
    ... and unfortunately most users do not look into the Log output where often enough Errors are reported outlining configuration issues....

    In a current development, I am even going one step further:

    - Show the HW LED count as standard level (so it is not longer hidden)
    - Selected devices are discovered and device properties are resoled
    If the device provides the HW LED count, I set the HW-LED count and have it immutable.
    - When you save the config, automatically a default layout is created with the corresponding LED number.

    Objective is to make it as easy as possible to set-up devices with consistent configuration going forward.

    If you would like to give it a try and provide further feedback, please see here:

    You should give „COM5“
    If that does not work have a look into the log and check for errors...

    Adalight works natively on Win10 Hyperion.
    No need for Unix SubSystem.

    Assume a sender uses mqtt to send color updates to Hyperion.
    Is there any specification how many updates a sender should send maximum to the mqtt-Broker for distribution (to hyperion)?
    Is there any documentation on supported non-functional requirements and SLSs?

    @johndabeast You can find more background on the WLED website, too:

    Hyperion You can now use WLED with the popular Ambilight software Hyperion. Just configure Hyperion to use an UDP device with protocol 0 on port 19446! The maximum number of LEDs supported in this mode is 490. (WLED 0.8.0 and lower: 341)

    Plus the rationale by WLED-Developer Aircoookie:
    Aircoookie Feb '20 Hi Maik, unfortunately the 490 LED is a hard limit. The reason is that the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted via a UDP frame at once is 1472 bytes (and we need 3 bytes data per LED). You could try to increase UDP_IN_MAXSIZE in wled07_notify.ino, maybe the 8266 (or at least ESP32) can handle larger UDP packets by reassembling the frames, but I wouldn’t count on it.

    You could build your own WLED or live with the limitation....

    I do not know how Hyperion classic worked and not being too familiar with this LED type...
    You might need to set the latch-time.
    Latch time define the time that passes between two updates. So it might correspond to a maximum update frequency you are used to.
    You need to have settings level = expert to see latch-time.

    As you reported the LEDs are not working, I suggest you sort this out first.
    Go to the Remote Control and enable the LED device. If already enabled, disable and then enable it.Then share the log output.

    Für die Philip Hues

    1. Ich empfehle Dir unbedingt auf die Philips Entertainment API zu wechseln. Das läßtdie Lampen viel schneller zu reagieren und passt besser zu einem Ambilight.
    2. Disable "Aus bei Schwarz"
    3. Kannst Du eine Farb-Effekt in der Hue-Instanz laufen lassen? Leuchten dann die Hues?
    4. GGf. schalte mal das Smoothing/Gälttung aus