Maybe I do not get it...
Are you running:
a) One LED instance (for left, top, right, button) - everything solder through
b) Two (left, top, right) + Bottom
Maybe I do not get it...
Are you running:
a) One LED instance (for left, top, right, button) - everything solder through
b) Two (left, top, right) + Bottom
Yes, but there is no ETA defined yet
In case you have a LED-device with Rewrite > 0, there is currently a bug that the latest color is displayed,even if the device was turned off.
This has already been fixed:
Lightpack currently has a problem.
I have a fix in place, but need to finalize it.
Looks like that you use a multipack configuration. I was currently looking to remove that capability and have it replaced by a multi instance lightpack configuration to allow for better scalability.
How many individual Lightpack devices are you going to run in parallel?
das hab ich gerade versucht, da bleiben die Leds leider so stehen, also die Far
Sorry, habe nicht bedacht, dass das in der letzten Alpha Version noch ein Problem war. Habe ich mittlerweile gefixt.
Du kannst Dir den letzten Masterbuild installieren, dann sollte es gehen.
Das Problem besteht auch nur, wenn Rewrite > 0 gesetzt ist. Deshalb klappt es bei den WLED, aber nicht beim Stripe.
@Danny Ich würde Dir empfehlen den Hintergrundeffekt ("Ausgabe von Schwarz") auszuschalten.
Wenn kein Signal in der Priority Liste mehr anliegt, werden die LEDs richtig ausgeschaltet; so wie wenn du die Fernbedienung benutzt.
Warum ein Pseudo-Ausschalten mit Resourcenverbrauch, wenn es auch richtig geht?
Do you have installed the latest Hyperion.NG version, I.e. Alpha8?
Unfortunately, I do not see that you disabled or enabled the device in the log.
Nevertheless, I do not see any previous errors for the LED Device. Looks like that it is more hardware related....
How can I enable/disable
use the on/off switch Button next to LEDDevice.
When I select anything in the colour/effects tab, should this effect start right away?
Could enable the debug log and then disable and then enable the LedDevice via the „Remote Control“ and share the log output again?
Via „Remote Control“ you can also set a solid color. Does the LEDs light up in the color?
@Soundcrusher You might have a lock into hyperion's log (System->Log), if there are any Errors reported.
@berlinhimmel Would you mind sharing which hyperion version you are currently using, please?
I was not able to reproduce the error having all element empty....
Did you do a configuration senario before where one dimension (e.g. bottom) is e.g. 200 and all the other dimensions are 0?
bottom = 200
top = 0
right 0 0
left 0 0
That is a know issue ending up in a division by zero error.
I assume that you were hit by that bug.
@tube0013 Try
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:8090/json-rpc --data '{"command": "serverinfo", "tan":1}'
The RPC API is not a REST-API. Do not send Headers.
The Advanced Rest Client always sends minimum the content header. This is why it fails.
I do not know how you „Google“
„Floating point exception. The FPEsignal is sent to a process when it executes an erroneous arithmetic operation, such as division by zero.“
Could you share on which screen you saved the zero values?
Ok. You are saying that the Hue Lights are ahead of the picture (not behind, as I assumed according to your initial description)?
Did you check, if the latency is occurring in the Pre-View too?
You might need considering that the delay is already introduced before the signal hits Hyperion.
@gogui63 Sorry, that it took so long....
One thing comes into mind is that the network updates to the bridge are not performing, i.e. you might have a bad network connection from rpi to Hue-Bridge or Hue-Bridge to the lights.
Looking at your hyperion configuration you might want trying to
a) disable Smoothing
b) Increase the Capture Frequency of your capture device. It is currently only 10Hz.
Does this change your experience?
werden die Leds am TV nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Habe ich es richtig verstanden, dass eine Instanz die LEDs am Fernseher per WLED treibt und die zweite Instanz andere LEDs über ein zweites WELD?
Und Du willst einmal Grabben und beide Instanzen gleichzeitig aktualisieren, richtig?
Kannst Du bitte folgende Informationen posten?
a) Details zu deinem system (System->Über Hyperion)
b) Deine Konfiguration (Konfiguration->allgemein->Importiere/Exportiere Konfiguration)
c) ein Log am besten im Debug-Modus (System->Protokoll
"ng with the webinterface is so different."
I assume you can access the UI.
First configure the LED-Device and layout.
If it does not do what you expect, please have a view at the log. You find it under System.
In case there is an Error logg on the LEDDEVICE, try to resolve it.
You in addition might want to active Debug logging and share the output here.
suggest that you Enable the LED-Device via the "Remote Control/Fernsteuerung" menu.
Share the log only after that.
To test a solid color or effect on the configured LED-Device you can use the "Remote Control/Fernsteuerung" too.
Hoping that gives you a start....