I got the exact same setup as you have, it keeps trowing the usb out or no image. I did try a couple of tweaks, but is it not worth tinkering. If what pclin states is correct, I will order a Macrosilicon 2130 and give that a test.
I got the exact same setup as you have, it keeps trowing the usb out or no image. I did try a couple of tweaks, but is it not worth tinkering. If what pclin states is correct, I will order a Macrosilicon 2130 and give that a test.
Of course I have seen the first post. But it's not that clear to be honest. German and English combined, HSV320 is not recommended because of the macrosilicon, below is mentioned other macrosilicon.
Maybe I can rephrase, what is a good place to order a HSV321 for the Netherlands?
I have a xolorspace slitter and a cheap loop grabber. The grapper is not working great. So I want to purchase a HSV321 mirabox, but it's hard to get in the Netherlands. What alternatives do you guys advise?
I cannot get a stable working loop. At first I was using the loop with the second output of my AVR. It makes sense that this was not stable, so after a while I wanted to fiddle with my setup again and I bought a Xolorspace splitter.
So my setup is kinda like other people around here:
Nvidia shield => AVR => Xolorspace => the 2 outputs, TV and the Rullz 4k loop
I noticed that when I power the Pi (and loop) with a usb port build in a powerbrick, the behavior is way worse. Are the issue power related? Is my powersupply not good enough?
I power the leds (and wemos) with a meanwell 75w. Should I add the Pi to this powersupply?
Every comment on this topic I tried. Any tips?
2022-02-20T21:34:52.950Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1099:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff:
2022-02-20T21:34:52.951Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1090:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:
2022-02-20T21:35:16.501Z [ V4L2] (INFO) Set flipmode to NO_CHANGE
2022-02-20T21:35:16.501Z [ V4L2] (INFO) Cropping image: width=720 height=576; crop: left=13 right=13 top=10 bottom=10
2022-02-20T21:35:16.596Z [ V4L2] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:151:init()) Set device (path) to: UVC Camera (534d:2109): USB Vid (/dev/video0)
2022-02-20T21:35:16.597Z [ V4L2] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:488:init_device()) Set device input to: Camera 1
2022-02-20T21:35:16.598Z [ V4L2] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:614:init_device()) Set resolution to width=720 height=576
2022-02-20T21:35:16.599Z [ V4L2] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:631:init_device()) Set framerate to 20 fps
2022-02-20T21:35:16.599Z [ V4L2] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:707:init_device()) Pixel format=YUYV
2022-02-20T21:35:16.604Z [ V4L2] (ERROR) Throws error nr: VIDIOC_STREAMON error code 5, Input/output error
2022-02-20T21:35:16.604Z [ V4L2] (INFO) Started
2022-02-20T21:35:16.605Z [ V4L2] (ERROR) Throws error nr: VIDIOC_DQBUF error code 22, Invalid argument
2022-02-20T21:35:16.608Z [ V4L2] (INFO) Stopped
2022-02-20T21:35:22.677Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1099:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff:
2022-02-20T21:35:22.680Z [ WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1090:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:
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Hi Colin,
Did you manage to get Hyperion work with a Shelly Bulb?
Did you manage too get this working via Coap? I would like to make it work with a Shelly bulb.
Voor jouw usecase zou ik een wemos d1 pakken met wled erop. Stuk goedkoper, veel meer opties.
Excuus helemaal vergeten hier op te reageren. Kijk eens naar hyperion-x11 dit is de grabber die gebruikt wordt binnen hyperion.
Er zijn losse projecten beschikbaar om te doen wat jij wilt. Neem bijvoorbeeld hier eens een kijkje;
Hi Laurens,
Kan je je setup wat beter omschrijven? Wat probeer je waar naar toe te sturen?
I am using a Nvidia Shield with the Android grabber for several years without any problems. (apa102 connected to pi zero w) absolutely no delay.
For testing hyperion with the remaining apps I updated to hyperion ng and bought an usb capture device. Here I also see the delay @Zaborejszyn mentioned.
I also have the same hardware @jeroen warmerdam has laying around, but did not have the time to test this yet.
I have an Onkyo with 2 hdmi out so 1 is dedicated for the grabber.
My wish is to start grabber from Home Assistant, which is running on another computer.
Are you running hassio? Then you can use the ADB addon to send your commands.
youtube: Android TV & Home Assistant
If you just running hass, then you will probably need a seperate adb server to create the connection, like sorccu/adb.
Afaik you could send an adb command. Otherwise you will need to install a mqtt broker on your android device to communicate.
What is the application?
What is the difference in sending data like the Android grabber? Because Blackboarder detection is working there and is handled by hyperion, not the app itself.
Op stretch werkt het net zo als op Jessie. Alleen heb ik gemerkt dat de initiële start niet werk. Service een keer stop/start en het werkt prima. Kan je verbinding maken via Hypercon? Dit maakt het debuggen een stuk makkelijker.
Hier de volledige commandos welke hypercon uitvoerd:
//Start service
sudo systemctl start hyperion.service 2>/dev/null ; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion start 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl start hyperion 2>/dev/null
//Stop service
sudo systemctl stop hyperion.service 2>/dev/null; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion stop 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl stop hyperion 2>/dev/null
Hi Dennis,
Wat je hebt toegevoegd is het HyperCon data bestand. Zou je het json bestand kunnen uploaden. Als het goed is, heb je hier wijzigingen in gedaan zoals in de tutorial aangegeven.
Hi Dennis,
Zelf heb ik dit niet in mijn setup zitten. Wat heb je tot nu toe geprobeerd? Zou je ook je config kunnen delen? Aan de hand van jouw post kan niet opmaken waar het fout gaat.
In de onderstaande link staat wat er moet gebeuren om een koppeling te realiseren. Maar ga er stiekem van uit dat je dit al geprobeerd hebt.
Hier kan je de datasheet downloaden. De pin layout ziet er (uit m'n hoofd) hetzelfde uit als die van de 74hct125.
OE verbinden met Ground
A = input (3v signaal)
Y = output (5v signaal)
Good luck!!
I read a lot about the Nvidia Shield. Has anyone got it running on an Android TV Box Like Xiaomi or anything comparable?
I tried the first alpha/early version on the Mi Box and there where some issue. Kodi or Plex worked fine. I had some issues with Youtube. You will find this a few pages back. I don't have the Mi Box anymore. Happy with the Shield right now.
hello, i have hyperion setup with rpi2+arduino. Im about to buy nvidia shield. Will i have some problem getting kodi+hyperion to work? do i need rpi2 or just connect arduino to nvidia via USB with this grabber?
You will need an instance of Hyperion to send your data to. So leave your setup as it is. You can download the phone version of this grabber to test its working on your android phone. Then you will see how easy it is.
For the shield I can advise the Android grabber from Abrenoch.
This will send your Android tv to your hyperion setup.
For what I think is surprising, is that the modded app does work. So it is possible to watch Netflix with leds on. The live channels also didn't work before. With Xposed module they do light up