Beiträge von moe

    Hello all

    I am over the moon with my Hyperion ng setup via RPI4 + USB Camera however, I cannot get the black border detection to work at all. I have cycled through all of the modes and set thresholds between 1% and 100% with no success. Could someone please advise?

    Thank you in advance!

    Hello all

    I have a working Hperion NG setup and I am using a USB camera device as an input however, I keep getting the following error many times every second: [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] <ERROR> Snapshot failed: -1

    I have tried to remove the following parameters from my config but the issue remains:

    "framegrabber": {
    "cropBottom": 0,
    "cropLeft": 0,
    "cropRight": 0,
    "cropTop": 0,
    "device": "/dev/fb0",
    "frequency_Hz": 10,
    "height": 10,
    "pixelDecimation": 8,
    "type": "auto",
    "width": 10

    Please assist. Thank you in advance!

    Good work @Flovie. Yes I watched the video via network. Yesterday I received better results by doing the following:

    • Upgraded from a Raspberry Pi Zero W to a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB)
    • Upgraded from a standard USB extension cable to a repeater USB cable (10m)
    • Tweaked v4l2 - USB camera settings to the following: --set-ctrl=power_line_frequency=1 (from 0)
    • Now the latency has dropped to approximately <400ms which is acceptable for a USB solution

    Today I am receiving a rpi camera (ribbon connected) so there is no harm in trying a remote camera solution. If it doesn't work out for me, I will simply return the camera :)

    Ok you have a valid point. I am going to now do the following:

    • Compiling hyperion on my rpi4 and will test with the USB camera
    • Attach USB camera to Windows PC and check latency
    • I have ordered a rpi camera module and will test results

    The reason why I want to trial the two rpi method is because another use on the forum has been successful using this method and as seen in the video, he is sending the stream from one rpi to another and latency seems minimal. Also, I wanted to go wireless for the camera for better positioning in the other corner of the room and minimal visibility of the camera and cables. Let me know what you think..


    Well i did explain everything the post above yours, but it is written with one rpi in mind and a normal v4l2 usb camera, not the pi one, but the methods are all the same, u will need something to at least crop the image and correct perspective like ffmpeg, if its two rpi then there could be latency issue, if one, then probably it needs to be the more powerful one, 3 or 4, but currently i have no rpi so i cant test the performance.

    Thanks for your response. Fixing the perspective is not the issue here. The issue is to cut out the latency of using a USB webcam, mine is currently around 1000ms which means that the LEDs are always slightly behind. Also, the latency gets worse using longer USB extension cables. The purpose of adding another raspberry pi to the setup is for making latency as low as possible and to send the stream over wireless network instead of cable. From my research I have found that raspberry pi camera modules have significantly less delay than (<100ms) compared to USB. I have both a pi 4 and pi zero w for testing if someone would like to work with me?

    Hi all

    Thank you to everyone for contributing towards this project. I stumbled across ambilight and hyperion a few weeks ago and wanted to implement it on my 55" 4k TV however, I like my TV's operating system and want to use the built-in apps so went for the camera solution. Here is a video of my current setup so far and what I am running:

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    • Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • Arduino Uno R3
    • WS2812B 5m LED strip
    • 5V 10 Power supply
    • Philips SPZ2000 USB camera
    • Hyperion NG

    This is just the beginning and still a working progress and there are hopefully many improvements to come.

    Things to do:

    • Obtain a Raspberry Pi Zero W + Pi camera module
    • Create a video stream from the camera module
    • Send the video stream to another Raspberry Pi running Hyperion NG
    • Add the video stream as a virtual webcam for modifying settings
    • Adding the virtual device to Hyperion NG as a input device
    • Write the ultimate guide to use Hyperion NG via webcam

    If anyone can contribute and can assist me then I would be grateful.