Oh, guys..come on. Make some things straight. You almost had HDR LUT correction in hyperion ng: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/pull/928
Overall beside waiting for almost infinity time from my position in the queue, there was no room for implement it at that stage because of lack of the permanence on different fronts for example MJPEG on Rpi: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/issues/962
And I wanted to have it working at least for myself soon...maybe too much rush.
Regarding a "copy": I'm stick to the MIT license, hope it works both way. Windows port supporting USB grabber was first introduced in HyperHDR almost half year ago..a copy? The WWW interface of Hyperion NG is great, I can admit it. Usual user cant see it but beneath it's flexible and offers very powerful options including WWW wizards. I like the automation builds and I use them as a start point to improve them even further.
But some things beneath, including the video processing must be break from the past at least in my view so I created a fork for that doesn't mess with Hyperion NG itself because as I see backward compatibility is a value there so let it be. For me: screen captures are killed by the DRM or hardware video acceleration so removed them, better performance is a must and some other things al least in my view like flexible LUT correction including HDR, stable high performance LED driver as separate projects for high quality movie content because even WLED on Wifi is not always a solution. The user is always winning because he can choose solution depended on his needs and setup.
Best regards and hope you have a great weekend