Posts by Awawa

    OK, I will check it.
    But it seems there is a bigger, unacceptable problem. It came out during watching movie at nigth. There is very big delay between movie on the TV and captured frame: ~1-1.5s. UTV007 with old hyperion was much, much faster. I don't know why this happens and what fails: hyperion-ng, mjpg processing, that device or USB2.0 speed is insufficient. I didn't found 'frame decimation' option in hyperion-ng that was present in the previous generation . CPU has 30-40% usage for PAL, size decimation = 8 .
    I dont have a plan to upgrade my config to Rpi4 because there are problems with SPI. So it seems it's a dead end.

    TV receives original 4K as passthrough and it's not downsampled to 1080 (it's downsampled only for the grabber). I have exactly same problem with VSP01201 + utv007 and HDFury linker that I've tested. And probably almost every Chinese matrix/splitter has it. The problem is for sure color transformation bt2020 to bt709 on the device. On the official page (…ap269gamecapturelive.html ) there's only information that it's 4K HDR passthrough capable (and it's works on TV) and (not related) it records in 1080p. So it does... it forwards 4K HDR to the TV and records something in 1080p. If you can provide me mp4 test movie 1080 HDR I can test it but I doubt it can change something.

    There is firmware update. It's seems it's only for their device and I can't flash it. It doesn't fit OEM version like Y&M.

    Screens attached to my previous post were captured while playing HDR movie on the TV. On TV everything was perfect: it detected 4k HDR content and notified me about it. So at least that device doesn't degrade movie quality on the display. Sound bitstream was also forwarded without problems.

    Ezcap 269 was tested with the stand-alone mp4 file and mpc-hc.
    Below were taken from youtube for reference.

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    I've got a copy of that ezcap 269. 4K 60 & HDR/30 works fine but rather as pass thru to the TV. For the grabber: HDR color conversion bt2020 to bt709 results in bleak colors. It's seems that they improved internal splitter in that device generation but the grabber is still the old one: 1080p.

    Works with Rpi 3 on usb2.0 just fine. Anyway it simplifies connections because we can replace now ex. VSP01201 + utv007 + 3 HDMI cables (same problem with HDR colors) with just one ezcap 269 and two HDMI cables. Works with hyperion-ng out of box, has much better picture quality than utv007, no need to crop image because screen always fits captured frame and 1080/24 is not a problem anymore. Current price is $65 on ali with coupons.

    HDR demo: HDR10-Sony-Bravia-OLED.mp4