Beiträge von Dermot Duffy

    Hi @CalvinS ,

    Thanks for the idea. I fear that is not at all easy to implement. When an instance is stopped, the Hyperion API no longer reports any state about it. Home Assistant relies on this state (so it can know if the light is on/off/brightness/color/effect). In fact, when an instance is stopped, the current version of Home Assistant will actually remove the entity entirely because of this (and add it back when the instance is re-enabled).

    What you describe is definitely not impossible, just quite difficult, so unless it was heavily sought after by others it may not get done. It might be good to open a bug against Hyperion itself ( as a simpler fix might be for Hyperion to not do whatever processing it is doing when the output is disabled (but keep the API available).

    I maintain the Hyperion home assistant component.

    I think it should be possible to implement this in the stock component, e.g. a Hyperion instance creates a light and a switch. Turning the switch off disables the instance, or something like that.

    I'd like to learn more about the usecase though -- why is simply turning the light on/off not sufficient for the described behavior?

    Hello all,

    I am new to Hyperion. However in finding that the Hyperion integration for Home Assistant does not appear to function, I've rewritten it against the current Hyperion API (not yet accepted -- In doing so, it would have been better if there was a ready made Python client library for the JSON API -- but I could not find one.

    I am now thinking of converting this Home Assistant integration work into two parts:
    - A general Python client library (if one does not exist already)
    - A Home Assistant integration that uses the above client library.

    (This is the preferred development model for Home Assistant -- for the integration code to not perform direct network communication)

    My question to the Hyperion development experts here is: Does such a Python client library already exist (and I've just not found it), or should I proceed as above (create both the library, and the integration that uses it).
