Hyperion System Summary Report (Main TV Hyp) Reported instance: [0] - First LED Hardware instance < ----- System information -------------------- > Hyperion Server: - Build: (HEAD detached at 2.0.15) (GitHub-70e1043/24a00e3-1676809483) - Build time: Feb 19 2023 16:07:11 - Git Remote: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng - Version: 2.0.15 - UI Lang: en (BrowserLang: en-US) - UI Access: default - Avail Screen Cap.: dispmanx,framebuffer,qt - Avail Video Cap.: v4l2 - Avail Audio Cap.: audio - Avail Services: boblight,cec,effectengine,forwarder,flatbuffer,protobuffer,mDNS,SSDP,borderdetection - Config path: /home/hyperion/.hyperion - Database: read/write Hyperion Server OS: - Distribution: HyperBian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) - Architecture: arm - CPU Model: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l) - CPU Type: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1 - CPU Revision: a01041 - CPU Hardware: BCM2835 - Kernel: linux (5.15.84-v7+ (WS: 32)) - Root/Admin: false - Qt Version: 5.15.2 - Python Version: 3.9.2 - Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0 < ----- Configured Instances ------------------ > 0: First LED Hardware instance, Running: true < ----- This instance's priorities ------------ > 240: VISIBLE - (V4L) (Owner: V4L2) 250: INVISIBLE - (GRABBER) Autoselect: true < ----- This instance components' status -------> ALL - true SMOOTHING - true BLACKBORDER - true FORWARDER - false BOBLIGHTSERVER - false GRABBER - true V4L - true AUDIO - false LEDDEVICE - true < ----- This instance's configuration --------- > { "backgroundEffect": { "color": [ 0, 255, 201 ], "effect": "Breath", "enable": false, "type": "effect" }, "blackborderdetector": { "blurRemoveCnt": 1, "borderFrameCnt": 50, "enable": true, "maxInconsistentCnt": 10, "mode": "default", "threshold": 5, "unknownFrameCnt": 600 }, "boblightServer": { "enable": false, "port": 19333, "priority": 128 }, "color": { "accuracyLevel": 2, "channelAdjustment": [ { "backlightColored": false, "backlightThreshold": 0, "blue": [ 0, 0, 255 ], "brightness": 100, "brightnessCompensation": 100, "brightnessGain": 1, "cyan": [ 0, 255, 255 ], "gammaBlue": 1, "gammaGreen": 1, "gammaRed": 1, "green": [ 0, 255, 0 ], "id": "default", "leds": "*", "magenta": [ 255, 0, 255 ], "red": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "saturationGain": 1, "white": [ 255, 255, 255 ], "yellow": [ 255, 255, 0 ] } ], "imageToLedMappingType": "multicolor_mean", "reducedPixelSetFactorFactor": "1" }, "device": { "autoStart": true, "colorOrder": "rgb", "enableAttempts": 12, "enableAttemptsInterval": 15, "hardwareLedCount": 86, "invert": false, "latchTime": 1, "output": "/dev/spidev0.0", "rate": 1000000, "rewriteTime": 5000, "type": "ws2801" }, "effects": { "disable": [ "" ], "paths": [ "$ROOT/custom-effects" ] }, "flatbufServer": { "enable": true, "port": 19400, "timeout": 5 }, "foregroundEffect": { "color": [ 0, 0, 255 ], "duration_ms": 3000, "effect": "Knight rider", "enable": true, "type": "effect" }, "forwarder": { "enable": false }, "framegrabber": { "available_devices": "Framebuffer", "cropBottom": 0, "cropLeft": 0, "cropRight": 0, "cropTop": 0, "device": "framebuffer", "device_inputs": "0", "enable": false, "fps": 25, "framerates": "25", "height": 1080, "input": 0, "pixelDecimation": 8, "resolutions": "0", "width": 1920 }, "general": { "configVersion": "2.0.15", "name": "Main TV Hyp", "previousVersion": "2.0.15", "showOptHelp": true, "watchedVersionBranch": "Stable" }, "grabberAudio": { "audioEffect": "vuMeter", "device": "auto", "enable": false, "vuMeter": { "hotColor": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "multiplier": 1, "safeColor": [ 0, 255, 0 ], "safeValue": 45, "tolerance": 5, "warnColor": [ 255, 255, 0 ], "warnValue": 80 } }, "grabberV4L2": { "available_devices": "AV TO USB2.0", "blueSignalThreshold": 5, "cecDetection": false, "cropBottom": 5, "cropLeft": 5, "cropRight": 5, "cropTop": 5, "device": "/dev/video0", "device_inputs": "0", "enable": true, "encoding": "YUYV", "flip": "NO_CHANGE", "fps": 25, "fpsSoftwareDecimation": 0, "framerates": "25", "greenSignalThreshold": 5, "hardware_brightness": 32, "hardware_contrast": 128, "hardware_hue": 0, "hardware_saturation": 128, "height": 576, "input": 0, "noSignalCounterThreshold": 200, "redSignalThreshold": 5, "resolutions": "4", "sDHOffsetMax": 0.75, "sDHOffsetMin": 0.25, "sDVOffsetMax": 0.75, "sDVOffsetMin": 0.25, "signalDetection": false, "sizeDecimation": 8, "standard": "NONE", "width": 720 }, "instCapture": { "audioEnable": false, "audioGrabberDevice": "NONE", "audioPriority": 230, "systemEnable": true, "systemGrabberDevice": "NONE", "systemPriority": 250, "v4lEnable": true, "v4lGrabberDevice": "NONE", "v4lPriority": 240 }, "jsonServer": { "port": 19444 }, "ledConfig": { "classic": { "bottom": 26, "edgegap": 0, "glength": 2, "gpos": 44, "hdepth": 8, "left": 16, "overlap": 0, "pblh": 0, "pblv": 100, "pbrh": 100, "pbrv": 100, "position": 54, "ptlh": 0, "ptlv": 0, "ptrh": 100, "ptrv": 0, "reverse": true, "right": 16, "top": 28, "vdepth": 5 }, "ledBlacklist": [], "matrix": { "cabling": "snake", "direction": "horizontal", "ledshoriz": 10, "ledsvert": 10, "start": "top-left" } }, "leds": [ { "hmax": 0.5769, "hmin": 0.5385, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.6154, "hmin": 0.5769, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.6538, "hmin": 0.6154, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.6923, "hmin": 0.6538, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.7308, "hmin": 0.6923, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.7692, "hmin": 0.7308, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.8077, "hmin": 0.7692, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.8462, "hmin": 0.8077, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.8846, "hmin": 0.8462, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.9231, "hmin": 0.8846, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.9375 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.9375, "vmin": 0.875 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.875, "vmin": 0.8125 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.8125, "vmin": 0.75 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.75, "vmin": 0.6875 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.6875, "vmin": 0.625 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.625, "vmin": 0.5625 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.5625, "vmin": 0.5 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.5, "vmin": 0.4375 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.4375, "vmin": 0.375 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.375, "vmin": 0.3125 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.3125, "vmin": 0.25 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.25, "vmin": 0.1875 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.1875, "vmin": 0.125 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.125, "vmin": 0.0625 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.95, "vmax": 0.0625, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.9643, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.9643, "hmin": 0.9286, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.9286, "hmin": 0.8929, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.8929, "hmin": 0.8571, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.8571, "hmin": 0.8214, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.8214, "hmin": 0.7857, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.7857, "hmin": 0.75, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.75, "hmin": 0.7143, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.7143, "hmin": 0.6786, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.6786, "hmin": 0.6429, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.6429, "hmin": 0.6071, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.6071, "hmin": 0.5714, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.5714, "hmin": 0.5357, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.5357, "hmin": 0.5, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.5, "hmin": 0.4643, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.4643, "hmin": 0.4286, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.4286, "hmin": 0.3929, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.3929, "hmin": 0.3571, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.3571, "hmin": 0.3214, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.3214, "hmin": 0.2857, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.2857, "hmin": 0.25, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.25, "hmin": 0.2143, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.2143, "hmin": 0.1786, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.1786, "hmin": 0.1429, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.1429, "hmin": 0.1071, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.1071, "hmin": 0.0714, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.0714, "hmin": 0.0357, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.0357, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.0625, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.125, "vmin": 0.0625 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.1875, "vmin": 0.125 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.25, "vmin": 0.1875 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.3125, "vmin": 0.25 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.375, "vmin": 0.3125 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.4375, "vmin": 0.375 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.5, "vmin": 0.4375 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.5625, "vmin": 0.5 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.625, "vmin": 0.5625 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.6875, "vmin": 0.625 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.75, "vmin": 0.6875 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.8125, "vmin": 0.75 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.875, "vmin": 0.8125 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.9375, "vmin": 0.875 }, { "hmax": 0.05, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.9375 }, { "hmax": 0.0385, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.0769, "hmin": 0.0385, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.1154, "hmin": 0.0769, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.1538, "hmin": 0.1154, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.1923, "hmin": 0.1538, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.2308, "hmin": 0.1923, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.2692, "hmin": 0.2308, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.3077, "hmin": 0.2692, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.3462, "hmin": 0.3077, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.3846, "hmin": 0.3462, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.4231, "hmin": 0.3846, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.4615, "hmin": 0.4231, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.5, "hmin": 0.4615, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 }, { "hmax": 0.5385, "hmin": 0.5, "vmax": 1, "vmin": 0.92 } ], "logger": { "level": "debug" }, "network": { "apiAuth": true, "internetAccessAPI": false, "ipWhitelist": [], "localAdminAuth": true, "localApiAuth": false, "restirctedInternetAccessAPI": false }, "protoServer": { "enable": true, "port": 19445, "timeout": 5 }, "smoothing": { "enable": true, "time_ms": 200, "type": "linear", "updateDelay": 0, "updateFrequency": 25 }, "webConfig": { "crtPath": "", "document_root": "", "keyPassPhrase": "", "keyPath": "", "port": 8090, "sslPort": 8092 } } < ----- Current Log --------------------------- > 2023-06-04T16:23:52.727Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:128:handleUpdatedEffectList()) Effect "Rainbow swirl": Add custom smoothing settings [4]. Type: Linear, Settling time: 200ms, Interval: 25Hz 2023-06-04T16:23:52.727Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:140:enable()) Enable device ws2801' 2023-06-04T16:23:52.727Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:128:handleUpdatedEffectList()) Effect "Random": Add custom smoothing settings [5]. Type: Linear, Settling time: 200ms, Interval: 20Hz 2023-06-04T16:23:52.728Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:128:handleUpdatedEffectList()) Effect "Sea waves": Add custom smoothing settings [6]. Type: Linear, Settling time: 200ms, Interval: 25Hz 2023-06-04T16:23:52.728Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 ON 2023-06-04T16:23:52.728Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:482:powerOn()) Power On: ws2801 2023-06-04T16:23:52.728Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:128:handleUpdatedEffectList()) Effect "Warm mood blobs": Add custom smoothing settings [7]. Type: Linear, Settling time: 200ms, Interval: 25Hz 2023-06-04T16:23:52.728Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is ON 2023-06-04T16:23:52.729Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) LedDevice 'ws2801' enabled 2023-06-04T16:23:52.730Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Knight rider" on channel 1 2023-06-04T16:23:52.812Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:217:runEffectScript()) Start the effect: name [Knight rider] 2023-06-04T16:23:52.813Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/EFFECT' (Knight rider) with priority 1 as inactive 2023-06-04T16:23:52.814Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Knight rider' started 2023-06-04T16:23:52.817Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/V4L' () with priority 240 as inactive 2023-06-04T16:23:52.818Z [COMPONENTREG|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:89:setNewComponentState()) V4L capture device: enabled 2023-06-04T16:23:52.818Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/GRABBER' () with priority 250 as inactive 2023-06-04T16:23:52.819Z [COMPONENTREG|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:89:setNewComponentState()) Framegrabber: enabled 2023-06-04T16:23:52.823Z [BOBLIGHT|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (BoblightServer.cpp:31:BoblightServer()) Instance created 2023-06-04T16:23:52.898Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started 2023-06-04T16:23:52.900Z [JSONSERVER] (DEBUG) (JsonServer.cpp:32:JsonServer()) Created instance 2023-06-04T16:23:52.824Z [COMPONENTREG|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:89:setNewComponentState()) LED device: enabled 2023-06-04T16:23:52.847Z [FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400 2023-06-04T16:23:52.855Z [PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445 2023-06-04T16:23:52.904Z [JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444 2023-06-04T16:23:52.906Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:37:initServer()) Initialize http-Webserver 2023-06-04T16:23:52.907Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:37:initServer()) Initialize https-Webserver 2023-06-04T16:23:52.983Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 1 2023-06-04T16:23:52.983Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 84 (memory: 84). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 25 x 1, LED areas: 84 2023-06-04T16:23:52.986Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:651:handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on 2023-06-04T16:23:52.990Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:392:switchOn()) Device ws2801 is already on. Skipping. 2023-06-04T16:23:53.005Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:92:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings 2023-06-04T16:23:53.006Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:110:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig 2023-06-04T16:23:53.007Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:92:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings 2023-06-04T16:23:53.009Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:110:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig 2023-06-04T16:23:53.011Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion http-Webserver' started on port 8090 2023-06-04T16:23:53.057Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:176:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup SSL certificate 2023-06-04T16:23:53.059Z [WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:194:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup private SSL key 2023-06-04T16:23:53.060Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion https-Webserver' started on port 8092 2023-06-04T16:23:53.130Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:178:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/V4L' (V4L2) with priority 240 as inactive 2023-06-04T16:23:53.131Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:293:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now active 2023-06-04T16:23:56.024Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Knight rider] finished 2023-06-04T16:23:56.061Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:371:updatePriorities()) Timeout clear for priority 1 2023-06-04T16:23:56.062Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 240 2023-06-04T16:23:56.064Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T15:48:32.364Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Previous line repeats 1 times 2023-06-05T15:48:32.365Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:293:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now inactive 2023-06-05T15:48:32.365Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 255 2023-06-05T15:48:32.366Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:642:handleSourceAvailability()) No source left -> Pause output processing and switch LED-Device off 2023-06-05T15:48:32.366Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 OFF 2023-06-05T15:48:32.367Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:468:powerOff()) Power Off: ws2801 2023-06-05T15:48:32.368Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:363:writeBlack()) Set LED strip to black to switch of LEDs 2023-06-05T15:48:32.372Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is OFF 2023-06-05T15:48:32.587Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 240 2023-06-05T15:48:32.587Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:651:handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on 2023-06-05T15:48:32.588Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 ON 2023-06-05T15:48:32.589Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:482:powerOn()) Power On: ws2801 2023-06-05T15:48:32.589Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is ON 2023-06-05T18:55:44.455Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T18:58:03.362Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 452 (memory: 1351). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T18:58:23.301Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:00:41.730Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:02:16.361Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:02:32.866Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:02:43.816Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:03:10.029Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:03:18.065Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:03:47.197Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:03:56.826Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:05:17.790Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:05:23.308Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:06:53.902Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:07:04.690Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:07:59.760Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:08:20.142Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:08:30.531Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:09:41.149Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:09:56.973Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:10:20.590Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:10:29.659Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:11:06.268Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:11:16.700Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:11:38.000Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:12:10.768Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:12:49.771Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:17:33.472Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:18:37.771Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:19:06.704Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:19:42.511Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:19:51.223Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:21:59.983Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:22:23.521Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:22:50.775Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:23:02.286Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:23:25.344Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:24:09.546Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:25:19.798Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:26:02.041Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:49:44.962Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:50:04.183Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:53:28.354Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:54:01.323Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:54:34.216Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:55:10.900Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:55:34.517Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:55:45.068Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:56:04.450Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:56:29.069Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:57:41.522Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:59:22.507Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T19:59:56.277Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:00:05.707Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:00:13.899Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:00:55.860Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:01:32.588Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:01:41.058Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:01:48.210Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:06:27.075Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:06:50.813Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 452 (memory: 1351). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:07:05.120Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:09:49.272Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:10:06.694Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:10:27.311Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:10:41.536Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:13:28.245Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:13:55.181Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:14:03.053Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:14:15.558Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:14:41.496Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:14:59.635Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:15:38.638Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:15:56.020Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:16:02.134Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-05T20:43:30.756Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:293:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now inactive 2023-06-05T20:43:30.757Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 255 2023-06-05T20:43:30.758Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:642:handleSourceAvailability()) No source left -> Pause output processing and switch LED-Device off 2023-06-05T20:43:30.762Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 OFF 2023-06-05T20:43:30.762Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:468:powerOff()) Power Off: ws2801 2023-06-05T20:43:30.763Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:363:writeBlack()) Set LED strip to black to switch of LEDs 2023-06-05T20:43:30.767Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is OFF 2023-06-05T20:43:31.022Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 240 2023-06-05T20:43:31.023Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:651:handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on 2023-06-05T20:43:31.024Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 ON 2023-06-05T20:43:31.025Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:482:powerOn()) Power On: ws2801 2023-06-05T20:43:31.026Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is ON 2023-06-06T08:27:30.865Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:293:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now inactive 2023-06-06T08:27:30.865Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 255 2023-06-06T08:27:30.866Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:642:handleSourceAvailability()) No source left -> Pause output processing and switch LED-Device off 2023-06-06T08:27:30.866Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 OFF 2023-06-06T08:27:30.866Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:468:powerOff()) Power Off: ws2801 2023-06-06T08:27:30.867Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:363:writeBlack()) Set LED strip to black to switch of LEDs 2023-06-06T08:27:30.871Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is OFF 2023-06-06T08:27:30.929Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:422:updatePriorities()) Set visible priority to 240 2023-06-06T08:27:30.930Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:651:handleSourceAvailability()) new source available -> Resume output processing and switch LED-Device on 2023-06-06T08:27:30.931Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device ws2801 ON 2023-06-06T08:27:30.931Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:482:powerOn()) Power On: ws2801 2023-06-06T08:27:30.932Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws2801 is ON 2023-06-06T19:52:34.033Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T19:53:23.155Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T19:53:33.230Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T19:54:31.559Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T19:56:14.691Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:01:42.821Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:03:12.419Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:03:28.287Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:03:57.061Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:05:35.646Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:05:40.844Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:06:47.858Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:07:51.399Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:08:42.429Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:08:58.296Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:09:03.770Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:10:32.806Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:11:57.010Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:12:30.819Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:13:06.303Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:13:37.076Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:14:08.328Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:14:37.260Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:15:14.625Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:15:29.371Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:16:55.212Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:17:08.399Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:17:56.073Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:18:19.650Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:18:58.093Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:19:05.886Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:19:44.411Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:20:09.466Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:20:22.136Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:21:04.416Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:21:11.127Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:21:52.929Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1546). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-06T20:22:36.686Z [IMAGETOLED|First LED Hardware instance] (DEBUG) (ImageToLedsMap.cpp:112:ImageToLedsMap()) Total index number is: 468 (memory: 1594). Reduced pixel set factor: 1, Accuracy level: 2, Image size: 89 x 71, LED areas: 84 2023-06-07T04:04:43.915Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient()) New connection from ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:04:44.364Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:149:handleInstanceSwitch()) Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0 2023-06-07T04:04:50.931Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1220:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:05:17.598Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1229:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:05:17.663Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1220:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:10:45.680Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1229:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:10:45.680Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1229:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2023-06-07T04:10:45.749Z [WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1220:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: