Posts by TPmodding
Lol I dont know why I made a reply and it get deleted.
Sometimes the forum software claims it as spam...nothing to do with you...
[APP] Hyperion (Ambilight) - SamyGO
Do you know this?
wrong forum, hyper hdr is another project
i would suggest to power every 1m
is there a reason to set such a high baudrate? at 806206ec012deb803c89e6ad8a9976c6bfb933dd · hyperion-project/hyperion.ngThe successor to Hyperion aka Hyperion Next Generation - hyperion-project/ -
Hey, thanks for the post! looks interessting... let us know if you have some new information!
how much did you pay for the bridge?
-…Euro-im-Test-5042020.html leider ein heise+ artikel, ohne abo nicht einsehbar
we talked about the hdcp problem...
thats called DRM...
skizze und mehr infos bzgl leds wären besser
- way would be to use the forum search
most users use a usb-capture card
may this is also good for streamers, as streamers use mostly obs
GitHub - hyperion-project/hyperion-obs-plugin: OBS Studio output plugin for Hyperion.ngOBS Studio output plugin for Contribute to hyperion-project/hyperion-obs-plugin development by creating an account on -
if you are willing to implement this feature, you are welcome.
there are only 2 devs ( Lord-Grey and Paulchen-Panther ) coding in there spare time besides there full time jobs and family. there is enough workload trying to fix issues, the chance of implementing new functions on this scale is very unlikely.
just for your information
regards TP
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Will Look later. Thank you!
amazing, never seen such a big ambilight system