Beiträge von Zarkstar

    Hello, I'm losing my mind on this problem and as I've discovered on other forums I'm not the only one who has this problematic.
    My System Configuration: macOS 11.1 + Hyperion platform grabber (OSX, but I've tried QT with same results) and WLED as leds (but I have the same problem with Philips hue and Yeelight).
    Hyperion works fine for the first 2 to 10 minutes, after which the LEDs turns off or revert to a previous state for a couple of seconds, and then they continue working properly for some seconds. It loops forever. Activating the debug log this is what is registered:

    So what's happening is that the grabber just stops working for a second or so and then pops out again. I have no clue on why, as the logs don't tell anything about the grabber.
    If I start the grabber manually (launching for example hyperion-osx, found in the same folder in which Hyperiond is in, everything works fine. The only problem I have with that solution is that I don't know how to configure any of the parameters for the grabber if I launch it externally (mainly the display I want to monitor, as I'm in a dual display config) and that I have to start it manually every time (doesn't bother me though).

    Any suggestion? Thanks!