Beiträge von vig1116

    well, I received the much better power supply this afternoon and installed it. It didn't make much of a difference. Left half and top of tv was perfect white, the right half and bottom of tv yellow instead of white. I just now ran another power and ground to the end of the led strip, and low and behold, PERFECT whites all around at 100% brightness in hyperion. I couldn't be happier.

    So, to everyone looking at this from here forward, RUN POWER AND GROUND TO BEGINNING AND END OF LED STRIP. :)

    I know what you mean. I guess it wouldn't be a big deal to daisy chain like that cause I soldered all the corners from the beginning. So I would just have to remove the + and - from each corner and replace with power, but I think I'll do the power to beginning and end and see how that goes. I think the PSU was 4.9 volts when I first set up the led's.

    thanks for the reply. It's definitely a solid connection. I triple checked it just now. I'm running 263 LED's on a APA102 equivalent strip. It seems to be exactly what other threads describe as a power issue. Hyperion estimates I need 17.4A at max power consumption and I only have a 15A power brick, is I assume that's it. I'm hoping the new power unit will solve it without having to run another wire to the end of the strip. I just wanted to make sure I do it right if I have to...

    Hi, I have questions regarding half of my leds showing yellow instead of white at some instances. I researched and looks like might be a power issue. I currently have a 5v 15a 75w power brick powering my RasPi 3+ and SK9822 led strip. I ordered a 5v 60A 300 watt power supply ( ) and should be here tomorrow. So, my question is, if the extra power alone doesn't solve the problem, and I have to power at both ends, is it just as simple of soldering power and ground to the last led in the strip? so, essentially, all will be powered at both ends? Or do I power one half from the front side and one half from the back? (meaning, cut the strip half way through and just solder the co and do leads in the middle? I hope im making sense. I don't want to burn these LED's up by doing it wrong. Thanks!!!

    PS all other colors work perfectly, it's just white on half the strip is yellow when the picture is full bright white on the tv.

    Vig, I suffer from a grey wall as well, what did you settle on?

    I actually swapped my ws2812 led strip to SK9822 (APA102)led strip. The whites are better. I used all stock numbers as well for the colors and they are pretty good as far as I can tell, but now that you mentioned it, my blacks are dark green, not black. Will have to figure that one out another time...

    So, the roll of led strip was reeled up backwards so the exposed end was actually the rear, and the connectors were on the wrong ends as well. So I was actually connecting the wires to the end of the strip, not the beginning. Only took me about 5 hours to realize... F-in noob.... lol.

    Hi guys. So, with the success of one TV up and running well with WS2812 leds, I decided to play some more with another tv. This time going to a SK9822 led strip. I cannot, for the life of me, get any leds to light up on the strip. I get 4.94 volts all the way through the strip to the very end of the line.

    My setup: RasPi 3 B+, hyperion beta 9, 4k capture card. I have GPIO 10 (MOSI) connected to DI on the strip, and GPIO 11 (SCLK) connected to CI on the strip. SPI enabled, GPIO enabled at setup. I tried using APA102 controller, and SK9822 controller. I attached a screenshot of my controller settings. (could it be the baud rate that's the issue?). Thank you for any help you can give.

    I have to finetune my APA 102 as well. Partly because of my golden wall.
    The Hyperion App at my mobile let me play around with the effekts but not with RGB,GAMA ect.
    How do you make the calibration. I missed as well the funktionality of the old Hypercon.jar at the webinterface,
    where I can see live changes of the values. Thx !

    I use a computer web browser, so im not familiar with any mobile app, but I find them in: configuration- image processing

    yours looks awesome!! I like how your leds look almost like the picture quality. (better than my "blurry" edges. What resolution do you have your leds set to in Hyperion? I have mine set to 720x480. Anything higher and the motion was slightly off. My videos below aren't the best. it looks a lot better in person, but I am having instances where I need to reboot my RasPi and splitter or else the colors are monotone mostly.

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    Hey jeroen, I meant to ask. How do you like the APA102 compared to ws2801? I currently have the ws2812 and ordered APA102 that will be here in a few weeks. I thought the APA102 would be a much better strip now that I'm all set up.

    so, I've been playing with the rgb settings a little and I think I have it much better than initial settings. The colors match much better (except white looks light purple or light blue, but I'm reading this is normal for led strips?). Here's a screenshot of what I've come up with. If anyone has further advice or help, it's all welcomed!!!

    Another "stupid" question from the newb. lol

    EDIT: I've been getting color issues that I've been trying to troubleshoot since installing. I am now thinking I need to adjust the RGB color settings. I have adjusted them a little already, and it helped, but some colors are still off.
    Are there any tricks to fine tuning the colors to match tv? Kinda like calibration tools for tv's themselves? Any test pattern type stuff? Thanks guys.