Beiträge von async

    Hi, I'm new and I hope I post this to the right section.

    I'm using a raspberry pi zero w with Hyperion.NG Alpha 9 with a ws2812b directly connected to it:

    This one works:
    LED Hardware 1:
    Type: ws281x
    RGB Byte order: GRB
    GPIO Number: 18
    DMA Channel: 5
    PWM Channel: 0

    My guess is, that I could add a second LED strip with the following settings:
    LED Hardware 2:
    Type: ws281x
    RGB Byte order: GRB
    GPIO Number: 13
    DMA Channel: 10
    PWM Channel: 1

    However, if I set it up like this, the first ledstrip starts to flicker and also the second.

    Is my thought for the second configuration somewhere wrong or can the raspberry not handle it? I assumed I can just use the second PWM channel and another DMA channel and it just works.