Beiträge von LilNerdyMe

    Just wanted to close this out.

    done! I got the list of items (a few updated thanks to ya'll) and it works like a charm! 244 LED's (using AP102 controller type) around my tv and it's beautiful!

    I did have some issues getting the Rpi to run like I needed it but after some quick Google searching - I found the commands to rebuild the database for LibreELEC, thus allowing installation of Hyperion on Raspberry Pi OS. Thanks for all the help!

    One question in follow-up:
    Is it expected to have a little bit of lag? The movement is very close but being a perfectionist - I'm seeing a 10-15ms (est) lagtime in which the changes happen on screen and the LEDs follow. I've played with the refresh time, the FPS of the capture device, and it is still there. Thanks again!

    Hello All,

    Thanks for allowing me to join this group. I will try and not be boring, dull, or daft.

    This type of tech has been on my mind for quite some time and with the way things are going these days - we're watching a TON more TV in the living room as a family. So - that in and of itself allows me the flexibility from my Executive branch (wife) to invest a bit more in our entertainment at home.

    I've read a bunch of threads here and have picked up quite a few ideas along the way. My build will be straight forward and based-on what I see others say and show, has worked for them.

    My TV is a 55" LG OLED and I have a SHK-3 soundbar. Yep - old but it still sounds beautiful in our small apartment.

    The basic premise is to spend as little as possible to get good results, as with many other things these days. So, here's my basic BOM to make this happen:

    Raspberry pi Zero W -

    HDMI 2 AV -…30eeb5:g:5rAAAOSwgTpefcIU

    USB 2.0 video grabber -…ture-Card-US/363110754837

    USB hub -…-for-Pi-Zero/313146204417

    USB wifi WLAN -…TL8188-lapto/143202387869

    PSU -

    SK9822 LED strip -

    HDMI downscaling splitter -

    I am a bit of a tinkerer anyways. Building PC's, RGB setups, and all-round geek/nerd so this stuff seems very straight forward. I have tons of primary wire, several applicable project boxes, terminal strips for power distro, and fans to keep it all cooled while being put inside my EC/credenza.

    I still have to figure out all the software (Raspbian?) and ofcourse the Hyperion software installation/configuration. But from the looks of things here in this forum - it's just the spot to post questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!